--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@  wrote:
> >
> > Agreed. Those who continue to say that there is no 
> > transcendental value in the Puja are simply parroting 
> > the values of the material world we live in. 
> Sorta the same way you're parroting things TOLD to
> you by people you consider "authorities?" At least
> *we* are speaking from our own experience. How many
> pujas have *you* performed?

Actually, experience of the transcendental value in the
puja is not limited only to those who have performed it.
It can have an effect on those who witness it as well.

> Some would say that is has a great deal more to do
> with reality than believing in things you've only been
> TOLD about by others, with no experience of personally.
> Or correct me here...how many pujas have you performed
> in your life, Jimbo? I've done thousands. And *on the
> basis of that experience*, I think that their supposed
> "effect" can be almost completely written off to the
> placebo factor, and moodmaking. 
> I *understand* that others -- IMO those who still cannot
> break free from the conditioning of what they have been
> TOLD about the puja, during the same instruction in which
> they were TOLD to moodmake while performing it -- may not
> agree, and may hold to "good experiences" they had while
> performing puja. Me, I have no such allegiances to the
> past, or to past beliefs. I never noticed much of an effect
> from the puja, even after following all of Maharishi's
> instructions to the letter, and trying to moodmake myself
> *into* having a "good experience" the way I was told to. 
> Therefore, in retrospect, *based on my own personal
> experience*, I have to believe that what I was TOLD about
> the puja was flowery bullshit.

Translation: If you've never done the puja yourself, you're
simply parroting flowery bullshit.

If you *have* done the puja yourself, you're also simply
parroting flowery bullshit.

This is because, if Barry didn't notice much of an effect
from performing the puja, nobody else really could have
either. It can't be the case that the puja actually does
have an effect to which Barry was somehow immune.

DrD, you might want to ask Barry to comment on the quotes
I just put up from Robin's 2011 post in response to the
same assertions as Barry made them back then. At the time,
Barry had no reply.

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