> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, navashok  wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Not content to make up things about people she considers
> > > > her enemies, now Judy makes up "facts" about the Inquisition.
> > > > That's a very Inquisitor-like thing to do.  :-)
> > > > 
> > > > Even a short period of Googling would reveal how wrong she
> > > > is about several things below, like being 354 years off on
> > > > the "start date," as reported even by apologist Catholic
> > > > organizatins. I'm pointing it out just so that she'll 
> > > > go crazy trying to prove herself RIGHT, DAMNIT and make a
> > > > fool of herself for our amusement.  :-)
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iF47M3YDlg
> > > There aint't no doubt about it, she's lying. She makes up
> > > little quibbles continuously to be able to call other's
> > > liar and that is a lie as well.
> > >
> > The way you know who the liars are is whether, after
> > being called on their lies, instead of attempting to
> > prove themselves innocent, they accuse the person who
> > has exposed them of lying and never try to document
> > that either.
> > 
> > For the record, I don't think Barry was lying about
> > Ratzinger; he was just ignorant of the facts (as is
> > navashok). There's more than enough reason to
> > denounce Ratzinger on the basis of what he's actually
> > done (and not done), but "He brought back the
> > Inquisition" sounds so *dramatic*.
> > 
> > Stupid, too, for Barry to claim the Inquisition of
> > which Ratzinger became the head had previously been
> > "abolished"--as if the Vatican would ever have sat
> > back and allowed heresy against the doctrines of the
> > Church to flourish unimpeded within its ranks.
> >
> Someday Judy should learn that there are certain
> things that you cannot learn by sitting on your
> fat ass in New Jersey and Googling. 
As opposed to sitting on your fat ass in Amsterdam?


> Some things you can only learn by going to actual 
> Dominican libraries and reading the original 
> documents there.
> Such as the documents sent to individual Dominican
> Orders at the time that Pope Paul VI changed the
> name of the Holy Office to its current name. Those
> documents -- not meant for the general public --
> seriously curtailed the powers and the provenance
> of the Inquisition, effectively eliminating many
> of the outlandish things it had still been able
> to do up until that time. This was greeted with
> much approval by people both within and outside
> of the Church, and was a prime example of Paul
> VI's many ecumenical reforms. It was widely
> spoken of within the Church that "the dark era
> of the Inquisition is finally over." 
> When Ratzinger was named to the head of the 
> Inquisition by a later Pope, he had already
> served as that Pope's "enforcer," and the Church's
> arbiter of doctrinal orthodoxy. Once in place as
> head of the Inquisition, he set about reversing
> all of the revised policies, and quickly became
> the most feared man in Catholicism. He ordered
> crackdowns on even slightly heretical or non-
> mainstream ideas, instituting widespread use
> of private detectives and surveillance of priests'
> letters, sermons, and communications to ferret
> out gays and other liberal priests. He was notably
> insane over acceptance of ideas about abortion,
> gays, and in Third World countries, "liberal
> theology." He gained within the Church the
> nickname of "Grand Inquisitor" and among fellow
> Germans, "Der Panzerkardinal."
> At the same time, he was a major force in the
> coverups of child abuse and other sexual impro-
> prieties by priests, and a major force in 
> bringing back exorcism to the Church. The 
> Dominican priests who were my sources during
> my investigations of the Cathars were *terrified*
> of him. They likened him both to Domenico Guzman
> himself (founder of the Dominican Order, and
> without question a psychopath) and Torquemada.
> So while the Vatican may have "saved face" by
> preserving the office of the Holy Office, it
> *did* seriously curtail its activities, giving
> Catholicism its first real breath of fresh air
> for seven hundred years. Ratzinger -- now Pope
> Benedict -- brought all of the stale air back.

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