--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:

> Your self-awareness is acute today Barry. That was a resounding BINGO with 
> reference to yourself. Uh oh, I sense we are about to get one of those Barry 
> is sitting in his bathro, er, favourite cafe, and after a few beer needs to 
> wax eloquently dissecting the innermost workings of the humans here and the 
> dynamics at FFL. Ho hum, here we go (snore).
> >
> Oh Barry, Barry, Barry. If you weren't so goddam lazy and careless you would 
> realize that my name does not belong in that list above concerning whatever 
> it is you're spouting on about. Ask Curtis if you have to, on your own time 
> please. I doubt very much he has felt I have been rude or condescending or 
> attacking towards him in the last few days. On second thought, don't bother. 
> Just get a grip and don't be such an ass.
> > 

> Yes, why do you? You are involved just by writing this. What in the world, 
> other than being bored and having a few drinks, would compel you to repeat 
> yourself over and over again? I know what compels me to respond to your 
> never-ending boring, uncreative analyses - my lack of ability to sit and 
> watch a hypocrite and do nothing.
> > 

> How many people have been maimed, killed or left dying?
> Two strikes, Jim and Judy, from the Wise One. You are both poor and dumb (or 
> at least inexperienced in the ways that Barry is experienced.) Now face it 
> and weep. And ferchrissakes, give up you two losers, your lives are dead ends 
> and you are both losers. Take it from Barry.
> > 

> "Aghast", oh dear, give the man some smelling salts and bring the fan. 
> > Do what smart passersby learn to do with such bag ladies, 
> And finally, the grand finale that is Barry's signature piece. We will take 
> someone who reeeaallly bothers us and denigrate them to some version of 
> homeless, cunt-possessing, demented raver. It works every time. Get him with 
> enough beer in him, or not, and he defaults to the kind of person he 
> evidently is, yes even deep inside - a hate-mongering, very angry bitter 
> misogynistic bigoted creep. If Judy has done nothing else she has, 
> unwittingly, exposed Barry for who he is in all his glory.

BINGO ! :-)

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