Oh poor Judy - how hilarious.

I don't think you really understand the meaning of integrity in the mid-western 
macho context.

Dudes don't call each other on their bullshit in front of people outside of 
their clique, they just don't entertain that kind of shit - that's truth, 
that's integrity -  yeah b*tches.

On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:33 AM, "authfriend" <authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> We now have another chance to see Curtis demonstrate
> how little integrity he has.
> He will not correct Barry's deliberate misrepresentation
> in this post of the exchange he was having with me.
> And that's really all you need to know about Curtis.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> >
> > I find it difficult to believe that anyone can see the
> > events of the last few days on FFL as anything other than
> > the same people repeating the same things they've done 
> > for years.
> > 
> > First, Judy attempts to lure Curtis into one of her long,
> > "I win by definition" arguments by *appearing* to ask 
> > reasonable questions. Then Curtis falls for it, and tries
> > his best to address her questions, while respecting the
> > fact that she sees things that way, given her near-absolute
> > lack of experience within the TMO, and that she is trying 
> > her best to pretend that the reality of the TMO and the 
> > things it teaches are the same as that presented in the 
> > intro lectures.
> > 
> > As *everyone* here expected, within a couple of posts Judy
> > was back to name-calling. That WAS the whole purpose of her
> > questions in the first place, after all, to open up an
> > opportunity for her to yell at one of her long-term enemies
> > and attempt to get other people to do the same. And sure
> > enough, her cohorts in idiocy did just that, with Ann, Ravi,
> > and Jim piling on to diss not only Curtis, but *anyone* who
> > found what he said accurate, or even interesting. 
> > 
> > WHY do people keep falling for this shit? You KNOW what is
> > going to happen if you interact with Judy Stein? You KNOW
> > that within a couple of "pretend nice" posts she'll have 
> > turned it into another of her bat-shit-crazy demonization 
> > sessions. WHY do you even bother to get involved? 
> > 
> > The woman is not worth pissing on, much less conversing
> > with. ANYONE here, including Steve, myself, and anyone with
> > half a brain and a memory, KNEW what was going to happen
> > the moment that Curtis took the bait. And, of course, 
> > it did. 
> > 
> > The amazing part to me is that people who actually WERE 
> > part of the TMO, and got involved with it past the point
> > of the duplicitous intro lectures, bother to try to argue
> > things with a couple of people who never did. (Jim and 
> > Judy) THEY never had any experience of what was *really*
> > taught to TM teachers, and of the pressures put on them
> > to make sacrifices and ignore other responsibilities to
> > be "full-time" and to "go on the Next Course, the one 
> > that will finally work for you." Neither of them cared
> > enough about Maharishi and his teachings to ever even
> > try to MEET Maharishi, ferchrissakes. EVERYTHING they
> > say is based on taped lectures or stuff they've read;
> > NOTHING based on rubber-meets-the-road experience within
> > the organization they're so desperate to defend, at the
> > peon level, the level of student that Maharishi didn't
> > even bother to try to rip off and indoctrinate...unless
> > they were rich, of course. 
> > 
> > So what they do is parrot the things that *they* heard,
> > in the intro lectures and the few short courses they did
> > manage to show up for, and pretend that this is "how TM
> > was really taught." That's total BULLSHIT, and I'm aghast
> > that people keep falling for it. 
> > 
> > Please, people, LEARN from this and "avoid the pain that
> > has not yet come" next time. The *next* time Judy tries
> > to lure one of you into her endless arguments, recognize
> > in advance that all she is doing is trying to set up yet 
> > another opportunity to yell at someone. That's ALL she 
> > has, and ALL that she lives for. She's the Internet 
> > counterpart of a shopping cart lady, cruising the streets 
> > looking deperately for someone -- ANYONE -- to scream at. 
> > Do what smart passersby learn to do with such bag ladies, 
> >

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