I can't help myself. The reason why you asked Judy that question, Share, was 
because you sensed I was letting my anger get the best of me. [Apologies to BW 
for this sentence only]

But I will ask you one other question: How do you account for the fact that DrD 
knew exactly why I wrote those three posts; and indeed his confidence in the 
justification for my having done so (as expressed in his post) exceeds in 
significant measure the perplexity my having done so induced in yourself?

The answer here--Let's get it out, dear Share: You asked Judy that question 
because you tend to resist the contact point in reality where there is the most 
tension, the most meaning, and the most truth: where it can make a demand upon 
us which hurts. You are acutely aware of the metaphysical point of the maximum 
realness (and helplessness), and you are, for Christ's sake, more sensitive to 
it than I am.

So you asked the question to Judy in order to push away the way reality came in 
on you in those three posts. Not one other person on FFL wondered (the way you 
professed to wonder, Share) why I wrote those three posts, Share. Why don't you 
ask yourself THAT question: Why was I, Share Long, the only person who was 
unable to understand why Robin wrote that analysis of Barry, and those two 
posts to Curtis?

You didn't like having to experience what was going inside of you when you read 
those three posts, Share. So you turned your psychological aversion into a 
seemingly guileless question, but in the very act of forming the question you 
managed to get some distance on the experience that had been engendered in you 
when you first read those posts.

An experience you wished to get rid of. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Robin, your response to me has not yet appeared in my inbox.  I only know of 
> it because I saw it in one of Judy's responses which HAS appeared in my 
> inbox.  One of God's little jests no doubt.  
> Anyway, semi annual Dome cleaning today so I'm rushing out.  For now I'll 
> simply say that to me you seem ironic almost all of the time.  And it does my 
> head in.  That's why I wrote to Judy rather than to you about your recent 
> posts.  And why I won't say thank you for replying to me.  Though I'm glad 
> you're posting again on FFL.
> Share     

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