--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Robin, your response to me has not yet appeared in my inbox.  
> > I only know of it because I saw it in one of Judy's responses 
> > which HAS appeared in my inbox. One of God's little jests no 
> > doubt.  
> > 
> > Anyway, semi annual Dome cleaning today so I'm rushing out.  
> > For now I'll simply say that to me you seem ironic almost all 
> > of the time. And it does my head in. That's why I wrote to 
> > Judy rather than to you about your recent posts. And why I 
> > won't say thank you for replying to me. 
> As I've said before, IMO "irony" is a tactic used
> primarily by people without balls who want to be
> able to tell the truth, but then deny that they
> said it later, claiming that they were "only
> being ironic." 
> > Though I'm glad you're posting again on FFL.
> Not as glad as the Judester, I'll bet. Finally
> she has someone to toady up to again and seek
> approval from.

Good heavens. I've been toadying up to Robin all along,
even when he wasn't posting.

 Her minions were never going to 
> fill that bill, because they'd just sling approval
> her way because they're toadying up to her.  :-)
> I think that we should compassionately wish her
> well in her quest. It's not easy to get approval
> from a full-blown NPD personality. But if anyone
> can pull that level of toadying off, it'll be Jude.

Well, as you've seen, I'm not getting anywhere at all.
Just this morning I bowed and scraped and abased
myself to him, and what did I get in return? He called
me a bitch!

And you surely aren't suggesting that either he or I
was being ironic and will insist later that we never
said what we said--are you? Perish forbid, as my
grandmother would say.

I don't know, maybe I should give it all up as a bad
job, see how he likes having to fend for himself for
a change, the ungrateful bastard.

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