Barry sez:

> ALL that we talk about here is opinion. ALL of it.
> The problem arises when some try to pretend that
> their opinion -- based on their interpretation --
> is fact, or even more laughably, "reality." 

In your opinion. ;-)

Barry has never been able to grasp the concept of
"infinite regress." He's fallen into one, as he
does here, more times than I can count.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Oh my. I missed this earlier in the day. Barry, Barry, 
> > > > you were right. It's not about defending x,y, or z.  
> > > > It's really about a very demented, pinched, and unhappy 
> > > > person.  My compassion reaches out to her.
> > > 
> > > Steve, naturally I agree with you. This message to 
> > > Share just *drips* with hatred and malevolence, not
> > > to mention the delusional belief that Judy "knows" 
> > > what people karmically "deserve." 
> > > 
> > > Trying hard to be compassionate myself, I should point
> > > out something about Judy that makes her a victim of 
> > > her own impulses. It is a trait that she exemplifies
> > > here on FFL the most, but it is also a trait shared
> > > by Ann, by Robin, by Jim, and others. 
> > > 
> > > They believe that words are more important than actions.
> > > In particular, they believe that what *they* say --
> > > about their motivations, about themselves, about the
> > > images of themselves they wish to push out, about 
> > > others, about *anything* -- are more important than
> > > their actions, and the INTENT those actions reveal.
> > > 
> > > Judy *believes* Robin because she believes what he 
> > > *says* about himself. She believes in his words so 
> > > strongly that this belief renders her incapable of
> > > perceiving his actions, which are often in complete
> > > opposition to what his words claim. Naturally, she
> > > does the same thing about herself, *saying* things
> > > about her supposed motivations (to "protect people
> > > who have been wronged," etc.) that are *said* to
> > > mask the fact that (IMO) she is just dumping on 
> > > another of her targets because she's an old, bitter
> > > woman who at this point in her life can do nothing
> > > else. 
> > > 
> > > Although I am the first to point out that the Fred
> > > Lenz - Rama guy I studied with was more than a little
> > > bonkers in many ways, he also taught me some things
> > > that I still consider valuable. One of them was, 
> > > "Listen to what people say, but watch what they DO."
> > > 
> > > That has been one of my guidelines ever since. I 
> > > really *don't* ever believe thoroughly in what people
> > > *say* about themselves and their beliefs and their
> > > motivations. I watch what they DO. Their actions 
> > > reveal the "real" them. The words are just words.
> > > 
> > > Given the example below, Judy's words are nasty
> > > and could not reek more of superiority and arrogance
> > > and hatred if she had tried to capture those things
> > > consciously. Whatever she may try to say *about* 
> > > what she said, the fact remains that she said it.
> > > THAT was an action. And that action speaks volumes. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks so much for your nurturing words feste. Big karmic burn
> > > > > > happening.
> > > > > 
> > > > > About time some of the rotten karma you've accumulated
> > > > > here started burning you. Let's hope you learn something
> > > > > from it.
> > 
> > One the Forbes website yesterday was a quotation of Walter Benjamin:
> > 
> > "All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation"
> > 
> > Which is just another way of saying all we talk about 
> > is opinion. 
> ALL that we talk about here is opinion. ALL of it.
> The problem arises when some try to pretend that
> their opinion -- based on their interpretation --
> is fact, or even more laughably, "reality." 
> > There is a certain kind of local truth in language. 'I 
> > burned my toast' is an example that would be called a 
> > fact. 
> Quantify "burned."  :-)
> It might be different for different people. 
> > But for the most part our ideas of truth are much 
> > shallower than we think, and berating others based 
> > on our own idea of truth has certain pitfalls. 
> Pitfalls that some have never learned to avoid. 
> I may berate people, but never based on my idea
> of "truth," because I do not believe in the concept.
> There IS no such thing as "truth," merely inter-
> pretation, filtered through a lifetime's worth
> (or many lifetimes' worth) of prejudices. 
> > Direct statements, such as 'I do not like you' are 
> > much more direct than 'You are a liar, and thus 
> > are despicable' which implies a sense of superiority. 
> Exactly. 
> > My own opinion, shallow as it is, is that Judy's 
> > sense of truth is very inflexible. After all, logic 
> > is inflexible, but she applies it so narrowly as to 
> > miss the larger picture, and it is imbued with a 
> > strange, dark emotion. 
> Just "run the numbers." How many of her posts -- this
> week or ANY week -- are about trying to dump on one
> or more of her enemies, and how many are about some-
> thing else -- anything else. The percentages come
> closer to anything resembling "truth" than any claim
> of "knowing" the truth. 
> > Now it is interesting Barry, I do not interpret what 
> > you say that way. I do not sense that darkness. It 
> > almost seems more like exasperation, that you almost 
> > cannot grasp how people can be so dense, and so dense 
> > for so long.
> Can't argue with that.  :-)

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