> > Samadhi: 1. Sanskrit (Saúmaúdhi) n. Jap., sanmai or 
> > zanmai 2. Nirvana, Parinirvana 3. from the root word 
> > 'Sam', to establish, make firm. 4. A conscious experience 
> > that lies beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. 
> > 5. A non-meditative meditative mental equipoise.
> >
..."intense application or fixing the mind on , intentness ,
attention (%{-dhiM-kR} , `" to attend "') MBh. R. &c. ; 
concentration of the thoughts , profound or abstract 
meditation , intense contemplation of any particular object 
(so as to identify the contemplator with the object 
meditated upon ; this is the eighth and last stage of Yoga 
[lW. 93] ; with Buddhists Sama1dhi is the fourth and last 
stage of Dhya1na or intense abstract meditation [MWB. 209] 
; in the Ka1ran2d2a-vyu1ha several SñSama1dhi are enumerated) 
Up. Buddh. MBh. &c. ; intense absorption or a kind of trance 
MBh. Ka1v.&c. ; a sanctuary....

or tomb of a saint W. RTL. 261;"


Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon:

> > > ...we have experienced death many times. If death 
> > > is a samadhi, then where has the "samadhi" gone?
> > > 
> > In fact, the word Samadhi seems to have been deliberately 
> > avoided, except in the case of the later Vedanta work, 
> > Vedantasara. 
> > 
> > There is no reference in the Upanishads to a meditation 
> > practice leading to the suspension of the faculties such 
> > as we find in the literature dealing with yoga.
> > 
> > In the Hindu scriptures the word Samadhi first appears 
> > in the Maitrayni (6.18, 34), a late Upanishad. This text 
> > apparently recognizes five of the eight limbs of 
> > Patanjali's classical Ashtanga Yoga. 
> > 
> > It should be noted that there are over 200 Upanishads in 
> > the Vedic literature and all were composed after the 
> > Gautama Buddha's passing. 
> > 
> > It would seem that yogic practice entered into 
> > Upanishadic and Vedantic literature osmosis-like, a 
> > blending of Buddhist yogic and Upanishadic milieus.
> >

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