Dear Doctor:  "Oh dear, Oh dear."  I'm in pain, doctor, in pain.  I'm feeling 
psychologically surreal.  Can I get a pill for this?  To make the feeling go 
away doctor, not to make it worse (just to say).   

Now, I was pleasantly writing up a short anthology of sorts and suddenly fell 
to the floor, speaking in tongues.  Oh dear, Oh dear.  

I must retire tonight to my man cave to meditate, but can you call in a 
prescription for something to the local pharmacy?

Sincerely, Emerson

> From: "" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:04 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: J gets another fact wrong and S apologizes to R
>Hey Curtis, thanks for hanging in there - seriously. Beyond my basic principle 
>of each of us owning both our own shit, and our own gold, this conversation 
>has taken some really interesting turns. Very polarized, and polarizing at 
>times, but worth it. I like what I am learning about everyone, including 
>And Em, and Share, your interaction has been awesome! I like it. Reality 
>speaks, and in so many voices here. I hope I sound neither voyeuristic or 
>preachy, I just enjoy the fuck out of an honest conversation. 
>Judy, keeping that barge chugging up river, though nightfall's a comin', while 
>Ann plays harmonica, and R. Dog strums the banjo on deck. Spot on compass 
>heading, and easily overlooked.
>I'll settle back now, into my rocking chair, and listen some more. Regards,
>Doctor Dumbass -- 
>[By appointment only. Specializing in hair re-growth on foot soles, and the 
>portion of the outer ear canal, known as Herpes Bathtub. Also treating 
>extensive cheese allergies.]
>--- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
><curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
>> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
>> >
>> > --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
>> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > I don't suppose you ever saw the first Terminator movie Share,
>> > 
>> > Third Terminator movie. But we're just talkin' here, no
>> > need to be factual.
>> > 
>> > > but this is what you are dealing with:
>> > > 
>> > >
>> > > 
>> > > I object to being refereed to as a "Robin-hater" as if
>> > > that term sums up the hours of interaction I had with
>> > > the guy, or explains my more nuanced view of him now.
>> > 
>> > "More nuanced view"--that gave me a belly laugh, Curtis,
>> > thanks.>
>> Right because you know my feelings better from what I have written here than 
>> I would know about myself, the Judy premise.
>> I don't hate Robin, I found him very unpleasant when he got on his critical 
>> routine full time.  Your constantly harshly negative take on my interactions 
>> with Robin show that you don't really give a shit about the guy beyond his 
>> usefulness for your little vendettas here.
>> You paint a picture of our relationship as me duping his as a poor sap and 
>> then me making him a victim.  This is not my view at all.
>> You can't stop yourself from endlessly harping on Share's use of a phrase 
>> that would be long forgotten if not for your efforts to keep it alive.
>> I know one other guy who is not fooled by your routine.  I would bet on it.
>>  Sorta like using "non complimentary feeling"
>> > to refer to Share's accusation of psychological rape.
>> > Not to mention that oh-so-nuanced blue streak of
>> > especially hateful falsehoods you unloaded concerning
>> > those interactions after your most recent clash with
>> > Robin.>
>> Again, the Judy assumption that her view of my experience with Robin should 
>> supersede my actual experience of it. Judy knows what REALLY happened 
>> between Robin and me even though both of us have struggled with really 
>> figuring out why things went South.
>> And surprise, in Judy's jaundiced view, it was all MY fault and poor Robin 
>> was just a victim.
>> > 
>> > > But it is worthy of note that the people who did find
>> > > some resonance with Share's term did share the
>> > > experience of being at the business end of Robin's "I
>> > > WILL improve you whether you like it or not" shotgun.
>> > 
>> > Notice that Curtis does not add "more than a quarter of a
>> > century ago" (for all but Curtis).>
>> And the time factor would matter how if he is running the same game now, 
>> which led to the agreement? 
>>  Notice also the subtle
>> > use of "shotgun" as a metaphor to convey violent coercion
>> > (he strongly objected to Robin using metaphors of physical
>> > conflict in their discussions, BTW). Curtis doesn't miss
>> > a trick. And the characterization in quotes is made as if
>> > it were definitive and invulnerable to challenge (it's 
>> > neither, but that's another can of worms).>
>> > 
>> > > I am cutting out everything else from this post and would
>> > > like to remind the people trying to "help" Robin's online
>> > > image, it is repetition that floods the search engines.
>> > > What you have accomplished by this massive foot print link
>> > > of his name and this term is to make it impossible for
>> > > anyone to get to the bottom of this discussion, even if 
>> > > miraculously Share rolled over and said whatever it is that
>> > > she is supposed to say to satisfy you. (My suspicion is
>> > > that no such words exist.)
>> > 
>> > "I retract my accusation that Robin psychologically
>> > raped me" are the words from Share that would satisfy
>> > *me*.>
>> And she hasn't felt a desire to retract them.  So you have been badgering 
>> her nonstop for months to try to "get" her to do so beyond all reason and 
>> beyond what is consistent with your stated goal of helping Robin's online 
>> rep.  Why should she retract something because YOU don't like it?  Robin 
>> ended up using it himself later so it must not bug him as much as you.
>> > 
>> > But the really fun part here is that of the various
>> > links to Robin's name in the context of the term
>> > "psychological rape," the great majority will be to
>> > vigorous objections to the accusation, many of them
>> > backed up by documentation calling it in serious
>> > question.
>> By nutbags like YOU.  You are not helping.  Look how many times you have 
>> repeated it in THIS post.  You can't resist repeating the term when I have 
>> carefully avoided it here.  With friends like you Robin doesn't need 
>> enemies. 
>> > 
>> > Whether anyone "gets to the bottom of this discussion"
>> > is immaterial. What's important is that they see that
>> > the accusation sparked significant outrage and pushback;
>> > it didn't just sit there like a little stinkbomb
>> > unchallenged.>
>> But you keep bringing it up dopey.  Don't you get what you are doing?
>> > 
>> > > So keep it up if you must, but know that I am officially
>> > > blowing the lid off the cover
>> > 
>> > AHA HAHA HAHAHA!! Curtis at his most pompous.
>> > 
>> > > that this is all in the best interest of Robin's online
>> > > image.  You are doing it for your own personal reasons,
>> > 
>> > You see, Curtis knows our thought process better than we
>> > do ourselves.>
>> No this is not the case. I don't need to know your motives I see the result. 
>> I am not guessing what your motives are,but I know for an objective fact 
>> that you are flooding the search engines with your repetition, so your claim 
>> that you are helping his image online IS bullshit.  So the only other option 
>> is that you are a moron and don't realize what you are doing (but now you 
>> do) or you have some other reason that is personal. You haven't revealed 
>> what your thought process is beyond the bogus one that I am dispelling here.
>> > 
>> > Bullshit, Curtis. That's another of the vicious little
>> > tropes you haul out when you don't have a case. You've
>> > used it quite a bit, and it's no truer now than when you
>> > first manufactured it.
>> I beg to differ and so does GOOGLE.
>> > 
>> > It is, of course, a projection: Curtis has been siding
>> > with Share not because he cares about her but because
>> > she's useful to him in his jihad against Robin.>
>> This is an ignorant malicious statement.  Jihad?  WTF/
>> > 
>> > (Or maybe he's just jealous that Robin has such strong,
>> > articulate supporters, while he has to make do with Barry
>> > and Steve and Xeno and Share.)
>> My point is that his supporters are acting like idiots in this case, working 
>> against his best interest online by prolonging this ridiculous JIHAD against 
>> Share. (thanks for that, it came in handy pretty quickly.)
>> > 
>> > > despite the fact that your fixation is hurting his online
>> > > image.
>> > 
>> > No, it ain't, Curtis, sorry. I just blew the lid off that
>> > piece of disingenuous crap too.
>> OK then carry on "helping" the poor schmuck.
>> > 
>> > For Curtis, of course, the objections to Share's accusation
>> > are NOT A GOOD THING. He would much rather the accusation
>> > stand on its own without anybody contesting it, because he
>> > figures it gives his own attacks on Robin some credibility.>
>> Right my criticisms of Robin are contingent on Share, thank God she showed 
>> up.  And the "contesting it" ship sailed about 7 months ago Judy.  There has 
>> been plenty of contesting going on.  I am just pointing out that your stated 
>> goal and what is happening are not aligned.  I find it hilarious that you 
>> are going to continue to cut Robin's nose off to spite HIS face because i 
>> have mentioned this.  It almost compels you to continue on this idiotic path.
>> > 
>> > And the very *last* thing he wants is for Share to retract
>> > the accusation. He doesn't want the work he did to turn
>> > her against Robin to go to waste.>
>> Here you are being delusional.  I did nothing of the sort and had very 
>> little interactions with their conversations.  Especially compared to you.  
>> Did you turn Robin against Share?  No they created their relationship 
>> between them all on their own.  Blaming me for this is part of your imagined 
>> conspiracy idiocy.
>> > 
>> > That's why he's trying so hard to discourage those of us
>> > who are calling Share on her slander.>
>> Hey, I said what I wanted.  Carry on.  Google loves you.  Keep it up 
>> forever.  Robin's online image was created by Robin, not by Share.  But now 
>> his writing here is being swamped by the impression that you are giving.  
>> That the issue of PS is a BIIIIIIG one, and might be an important 
>> consideration for anyone evaluating his credibility. 
>> But if he is happy with what you are creating online for him, it really is 
>> none of my business, so I'll bow out and watch your busy, busy work unfold. 
>> It is hilarious.
>> >

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