--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
<curtisdeltablues@...> wrote:
> Ignoring all the Judy blather on this topic,

Translation: Well, gee, she caught me in another
batch of lies. I mean, what else can I do?

> I will just put it this way:
> Search yahoo for the combination of references to PS
> Maskedzebra 24
> Authfriend 81

This is fun. Curtis hasn't the foggiest idea what this
statistic might *mean*, but he hasn't got anything else,
and he figures the difference in the numbers in and of
itself might look as if it were somehow significant
support for his claim that I'm doing Robin dirt because
I don't give a shit about him.

He will decline to respond if I ask him, but if someone
else does, it'll be quite a treat to watch him try to
come up with some explanation as to what the statistics

And if someone can get him to do that, I'll trot out a
few of the more obvious reasons why he's speaking via
his nether regions as he tries to claw his way out of
the hole he's dug for himself.

> To all Judy's enemies: enjoy your luck.  This is how she
> treats the person she sheds "tears" over just thinking
> about badly other people have treated him.

Right, by standing up for him (along with a number
of others). How insensitive of us.

And not "other people," just Curtis, because Curtis
meant so much to Robin. (Hey, Curtis, you left out 
a word there. A little jittery, are ya?)

BTW, many if not most of my posts that will come
up for someone doing a search (using appropriate
terms) will be from last fall, when Robin was still
posting to FFL and could easily have asked me and
his other defenders to shut up about Share's
accusation if that's what he wanted.

For that matter, now that he's not posting, if he's
reading FFL he most likely could figure out a way
to let me and/or others know he wishes we'd leave
it all lay. After all, he would no doubt be reading
Curtis's posts along with the rest, so he would be
well informed about the terrible damage we were doing
to his online reputation.

And if Robin isn't reading FFL, surely Curtis, out
of his deep concern for Robin's welfare, would shoot
him a private email warning him of the shredding of
his image at our hands.

(inappropriate horselaugh)

And also by the way, Curtis old sock, Share deserves
everything she's getting and more. You're a smart
fella, you know what kind of person she is--both low-
down mean and irrational, willfully disconnected from
reality. How compassionate of you to enable her in her
sickness. Of course, it's just purely coincidental
that her rabid hatefulness is directed at your worst
FFL enemy and his supporters. Curtis, gloat? Not a

That's my 50th. I'll be back this evening.

> Fortunately I caught their unnatural bond on film.   I love the part where 
> Judy pets Robin's eyes.  He looks like he is really enjoying this:
> http://www.wimp.com/slothcuddles/

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