--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> Gee Judy, then just continue to "help" Robin by
> making sure that his name continues to be
> associated with that term

(Curtis means to say, by making sure that Robin's name
continues to be associated with a very vigorous rejection of 
an irrational accusation made by an individual with mental 

> while pretending to be "helping" him by doing so.

One more time (is this tune beginning to sound familiar?): 
Curtis has no inhibitions whatsoever about telling others 
what their own thought processes are, but he shrieks with 
hypocritical outrage when anyone does it to him.

> I pointed out the crazy logic and you doubled down.

Well, what I actually did was explain why your logic doesn't 
hold up under examination. Oddly enough, you've had no 
substantive response to my analysis; all you've done is 
reiterated your own illogical premises as if I hadn't said a 
word. I do believe that's what "doubling down" is. Curtis
legislates reality.

> If he doesn't care neither do I. You need  me to explain
> what that stat means?

As I recall, I already covered that in the very post to which 
you're responding:

> > This is fun. Curtis hasn't the foggiest idea what this
> > statistic might *mean*, but he hasn't got anything else,
> > and he figures the difference in the numbers in and of
> > itself might look as if it were somehow significant
> > support for his claim that I'm doing Robin dirt because
> > I don't give a shit about him.
> > 
> > He will decline to respond if I ask him, but if someone
> > else does, it'll be quite a treat to watch him try to
> > come up with some explanation as to what the statistics
> > prove.
> > 
> > And if someone can get him to do that, I'll trot out a
> > few of the more obvious reasons why he's speaking via
> > his nether regions as he tries to claw his way out of
> > the hole he's dug for himself.

> But the illusion that you are "helping" him has
> been blown for those who are not committed to the
> fantasy that you are.

Translation: "Blown" for those whom Curtis has convinced 
that his word is law and who therefore don't bother to test 
what he decrees against reality. (He's already determined 
what the reality is and has carefully designed his 
pronouncements specifically to preempt it.)

So much bullshit, Curtis.

> I know what this is really about. You've found an online 
> emotional punching bag and you are not gunna let a small 
> thing like throwing Robin under the bus deter you from 
> your twisted pleasure.  He chose this alliance with 
> stupidity, so carry on, now transparently.

Yeah, right. One more time (is this tune beginning to
sound familiar?): Curtis has no inhibitions whatsoever
about telling others what their own thought processes
are, but he shrieks like a scalded cat when anyone does
it to him.

Double standards, anyone? Hardly the first instance in 
Curtis's case.

Yes, Curtis, you're fun to punch. Your opinion of yourself
is so inflated you go all wobbly and clutch your pearls
when someone stands up to you; it's quite entertaining. Now
hear this: It was Share who threw Robin under the bus, with
your kind assistance. Some of us think he got a raw deal
and are pulling him out. You're not going to shove him back
under again, so go fuck with somebody else.

> It does make me laugh though.  I guess my concern that the 
> person who made another poster feel the need to use such a 
> term was getting off lighter than the one who used it

(Translation: I tried my best to make the guy who had been 
unjustly accused of "psychological rape" by a crazy person  
into the villain of the piece. And would you believe it,
not everyone thought that made perfect sense. My God, am I
losing my touch?)

You know what, Curtis? I hereby accuse you of being a 
sociopathic pervert.

What?? You're protesting? Your allies are up in arms?

How come you're getting off so lightly and folks are all 
upset with *me*? Why is nobody concerned about what you've 
done that made me feel the need to use such a term?

DIG yourself, Curtis.

>, has been karmically corrected now.

Yes, and if you still have any functioning synapses,
you'll do your best not to incur any more of that there
bad karma.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Ignoring all the Judy blather on this topic,
> > 
> > Translation: Well, gee, she caught me in another
> > batch of lies. I mean, what else can I do?
> > 
> > > I will just put it this way:
> > > 
> > > Search yahoo for the combination of references to PS
> > > 
> > > Maskedzebra 24
> > > 
> > > Authfriend 81
> > 
> > This is fun. Curtis hasn't the foggiest idea what this
> > statistic might *mean*, but he hasn't got anything else,
> > and he figures the difference in the numbers in and of
> > itself might look as if it were somehow significant
> > support for his claim that I'm doing Robin dirt because
> > I don't give a shit about him.
> > 
> > He will decline to respond if I ask him, but if someone
> > else does, it'll be quite a treat to watch him try to
> > come up with some explanation as to what the statistics
> > prove.
> > 
> > And if someone can get him to do that, I'll trot out a
> > few of the more obvious reasons why he's speaking via
> > his nether regions as he tries to claw his way out of
> > the hole he's dug for himself.
> > 
> > > To all Judy's enemies: enjoy your luck.  This is how she
> > > treats the person she sheds "tears" over just thinking
> > > about badly other people have treated him.
> > 
> > Right, by standing up for him (along with a number
> > of others). How insensitive of us.
> > 
> > And not "other people," just Curtis, because Curtis
> > meant so much to Robin. (Hey, Curtis, you left out 
> > a word there. A little jittery, are ya?)
> > 
> > BTW, many if not most of my posts that will come
> > up for someone doing a search (using appropriate
> > terms) will be from last fall, when Robin was still
> > posting to FFL and could easily have asked me and
> > his other defenders to shut up about Share's
> > accusation if that's what he wanted.
> > 
> > For that matter, now that he's not posting, if he's
> > reading FFL he most likely could figure out a way
> > to let me and/or others know he wishes we'd leave
> > it all lay. After all, he would no doubt be reading
> > Curtis's posts along with the rest, so he would be
> > well informed about the terrible damage we were doing
> > to his online reputation.
> > 
> > And if Robin isn't reading FFL, surely Curtis, out
> > of his deep concern for Robin's welfare, would shoot
> > him a private email warning him of the shredding of
> > his image at our hands.
> > 
> > (inappropriate horselaugh)
> > 
> > And also by the way, Curtis old sock, Share deserves
> > everything she's getting and more. You're a smart
> > fella, you know what kind of person she is--both low-
> > down mean and irrational, willfully disconnected from
> > reality. How compassionate of you to enable her in her
> > sickness. Of course, it's just purely coincidental
> > that her rabid hatefulness is directed at your worst
> > FFL enemy and his supporters. Curtis, gloat? Not a
> > chance.
> > 
> > 
> > That's my 50th. I'll be back this evening.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > > Fortunately I caught their unnatural bond on film.   I love the part 
> > > where Judy pets Robin's eyes.  He looks like he is really enjoying this:
> > > 
> > > http://www.wimp.com/slothcuddles/

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