> > > That's my 50th. I'll be back this evening.
> > 
> > With *another* 50 posts vilifying Share, Curtis, Steve,
> > and your other enemies? Wow, what a surprise.
> > 
> > Do you even *realize* that this is what you did this
> > last week, and that you didn't post about anything 
> > *else* THAN trying to "get* the people you don't like?
> > 
> > And do you realize that you did all of this under the 
> > pretense that you care about and are trying to "protect* 
> > a person who 1) never asked for your "protection," 2) 
> > doesn't need "protecting," 3) is probably embarrassed 
> > by your horseshit and wishes you'd shut up, and 4) knows 
> > better than anyone else that he has *nothing* to do 
> > with why you're doing it?
> > 
> > You're acting like an insane, vindictive bitch because
> > you ARE an insane, vindictive bitch. 
> > 
> > This is just what you DO -- stalk and torment the folks
> > you don't like. And WHY? Because they won't bow to your
> > supposed "authority" and your tendency to claim that you
> > "know" things they do not, and that your "knowing" is
> > always correct. 
> > 
> > There's a term for this. It's called narcissism. When
> > this kind of behavior goes on for as long as it has
> > in you (18+ YEARS), there's a term for what this means,
> > psychologically speaking -- Narcissistic Personality
> > Disorder, with a soupçon of malevolent Sociopathic
> > Disorder thrown in to make it taste even worse. 
> > 
> > There is nothing anyone can do to stop you acting
> > out your pathologies on this forum, but there IS
> > something we can do to be affected by them as little
> > as possible, and to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio. 
> > 
> > 
> > By doing so -- by taking the bait and "defending
> > yourself" when Judy tries to get you to do just that,
> > you're becoming a co-dependent to her psychoses. You
> > are, in fact, facilitating them and perpetuating them.
> > 
> > For the love of God (if you believe in such silliness),
> > STOP. 
> >
> This is, imo, a brilliant idea :-) From just scanning 
> things, there seems to be an awful lot of "he said, no 
> no  he meant,  you are   a dishonest person if you don't 
> agree with me, that word really means, she said, what I 
> really really said,  take an hour and review those posts 
> of 2 years ago, I have proof, blah blah blah."  These 
> people have never met each other!!!  Still, if you like 
> this sort of interaction, I guess you continue on. 
> > 
It's  all about Share, Robin, Ann, Curtis, Emily, and Barry
going down a rabbit hole with Judy. For lurkers, this
has to be seen as obsessive. LoL!

> > This advice will be wasted on Ravi and Ann and possibly
> > Emily, who are all heavily invested IN perpetuating 
> > this psychosis. DrD is a non-entity, having taken him-
> > self out of the equation in his usual...ahem...
> > enlightened fashion. 
> > 
> > But Curtis? You know better than to allow this shit to
> > perpetuate itself. Steve? You do, too. And above all,
> > SHARE? *You* are as guilty as anyone else here of 
> > bringing up this tired old shit again every time it
> > dies down. 
> > 
> > Ferchrissakes, STOP. 
> > 
> > Let Judy and her few remaining minions be the only ones
> > who post about this non-issue next week. Let them embar-
> > rass themselves BY continuing to beat this very dead,
> > very smelly horse carcass again next week. They are 
> > beyond hope. 
> > 
> > But there's still hope for the co-dependent participants
> > in this embarrassing, seemingly eternal soap opera. You
> > don't have to participate unless you actually enjoy it.
> > 
> > If you DO participate, I for one have to assume that
> > you are making a statement that you DO enjoy it, and that
> > you hope it continues.
> >

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