What a pathetic post. Peddling old gossip, spreading rumors, denouncing others 
for alleged immorality. If you can't do better than this, Duveyoung, I suggest 
you STFU. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I "know" only from gossip, but the gossip was a constant patter of "tidbits." 
>  I saw him at dinner ONCE with a married lady, but that could have been 
> innocent.......yeah, right, sure......  Small town with only about three 
> restaurants to "get fancy dancy" and of course he was seen around town a lot. 
>  I, with four kids at MSAE had all kinds of pot lucks etc. to hob nob enough 
> to catch the gossip.  Of course, EVEN ONCE, would be enough for my 
> "Lutheranism patterns amplified by my TM shame-on-you patterns" to glom onto 
> and bookmark the anecdotes. Same deal with Bevan, and I personally saw Larry 
> Domesh indulging in lust sitting a mere 20 feet from Maharishi as he lectured 
> to a private group!  Yup, sex is a powerful mind twister, and, hey, the 
> movement never gave us help-one to meet those challenges, so it's not like we 
> can throw the book at these guys for moral-criminality, but yeah, I do.
> Note:  The Karina Hotel fire was caused by a guy who started his girl 
> friend's room on fire due to her "cheating" on him.  
> Careful out there on the long rounding courses, kiddies, people be 
> destressing!
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > I have heard from time to time about Hagelin's womanizing but nothing very 
> > specific - how do you know all this stuff or has it just been kind of 
> > circulating around and not specific?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: Duveyoung <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:47 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion – John Hagelin, 
> > Ph.D.,  Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason" <jedi_spock@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It takes two to tangle. You seem to imply that he was 
> > > dragging them to the cave with a stone club in hand.
> > > Looks like TM didn't do any good to those women either.
> > > 
> > 
> > Maybe we can assign 50% of the blame on the married women, cuz, hey, free 
> > will and all that, but..... nope.
> > 
> > The equation changes when one of the partners has so much to offer to the 
> > (spiritually, financially, socially) impoverished other.
> > 
> > He took advantage.  He leveraged.  He must be held to the same standard we 
> > held Maharishi about his sexcapades.
> > 
> > Hagelin never not once ever never once ever said: 
> > 
> > "Hey, babe, nice just meeting you, a minion, and me, a royal scion, and I 
> > know you're married, and it's a sin to fuck me, but, hey, let's just put 
> > all that aside and not dwell on the YEARS AND YEARS OF DAMAGE it would do 
> > to your husband and your kids if they find out." 
> > 
> > Hagelin never asked like that, right, but THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE EXPECTED 
> > FROM THEM, cuz, HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING.  And he knew he was ABSOLUTELY 
> > HARMING these women -- "harming" means "alluring women to change their 
> > lives so dramatically and so covertly that it was certain that when the 
> > affairs were revealed, all the lying and disloyalty would not be easily 
> > dealt with -- without YEARS of professional help for all concerned." 
> > 
> > That is fucking harmful. 
> > 
> > At least Dr. Bloomfield drugged his women and didn't try to brainwash them 
> > into breaking the trust enjoyed with virtually everyone in their social 
> > circle. 
> > 
> > Yeah, sure, it MIGHT evolve some folks who would rise to the challenges of 
> > facing ones personal integrity being shitcanned after one has torn ones 
> > life up like a bad parking ticket, yep, could be, but on average, every 
> > woman who ever fucked Hagelin had to face themselves in perhaps the 
> > harshest light they've ever had shone upon them.  And it wouldn't be pretty 
> > what they saw in the mirror.
> > 
> > Each woman, on her death bed, gets to say:  "I fucked Hagelin and ruined my 
> > marriage and my kids hate me to this day for what I did to their father 
> > when I could have just gone to a marriage counselor or something, or I 
> > could have at least faced their father forthrightly about the marital 
> > dissonance and just said, 'I'm ending it, but at least I'm being honest and 
> > not sneaking behind your back and cuckolding you and doing all the things 
> > that incur rage in others who are blinded by their trust and loyalty 
> > towards the cheating partner and who will have no clue until it's revealed 
> > to them as if a bomb going off.'"
> > 
> > Who wants to say that?  Hagelin made every woman NOT CONSIDER THAT.  He 
> > gave them, what?, promises of, what?  Don't even try to tell me all the 
> > women were simply randy and Hagelin was a hunk.  Women don't go for that.  
> > They might be horny, but it is only cuz they want the whole man's 
> > wherewithal --  not just his dick. 
> > 
> > He leveraged by promising who knows what.  That is not saintly.  That is 
> > not honest.  That is fucking evil.  And TM didn't do a THING TO CHANGE IT.
> > 
> > Edg
> >

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