From: [] On 
Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:23 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: BatGap Panel Discussion – John 
Hagelin, Ph.D., Igor Kufayev, and Mark McCooey. Moderated by Rick Archer



Thanks Rick,

Somehow I missed that you interviewed yourself. Got links? and

Do the links show us how you'd define "mind, consciousness and awareness?"

Any yeah, if Hegelin gave a first lecture to a newbie audience, of course, the 
concepts themselves would do great stuff to the common mind. Of course, Hegelin 
has done some good....if only to model his being a true-believer in his 
community of physicists. 

But I'm so tired of everyone using the same nomenclature and not having any 
logical consistency in their use and then NOT SEEING THIS in the usage of 
others and getting all huffy about stuff when no one is actually talking to 
anyone with the same definitions.

Maharishi said that even abandoned churches did spiritual good by reminding 
folks that "once there was such certainty about God that this edifice was 
constructed." Like that, I can see Hegelin's place in the order of things, and 
I think it's wonderful for you to cut him that kind of break.

The thing is, Hegelin's part of the money. If the movement were not paying him 
THE MONEY, (What?....maybe $100,000/year?) he'd not be prancing around for 
free. He MUST know about the actuality of the money, Girish, the deaths, the 
fraud, etc. For him to spout sacred truths in a fuzzy manner and take no 
questions and then expect others to honor him for his great acumen gets me 
saying BAH!

Same goes for Bevan.

The nice thing about evolution is that it’s relentless. We can get stuck for a 
while, but not forever.

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