--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Here's an idea, an experiment:  Have a 4 week period 
> > > where anyone who ever got the siddhis can come and 
> > > fly in the Domes. The TMO could give out special 
> > > colored badges in advance. No background checks or 
> > > eliminating a person because they saw another saint 
> > > etc. Just anyone can come, everyone very welcome, 
> > > fly in to town for this, if need be. A really 
> > > welcoming, genuine atmosphere.
> > > 
> > > Then, see how it goes for those 4 weeks - Maybe 
> > > things would improve in some way: more people would 
> > > attend, the energy in the Domes would be more powerful.
> While Susan's idea is noble, I doubt that many would
> take advantage of it. Most have moved on, and wouldn't
> really want to participate. If you couldn't get people
> to go there to bounce on their butts by paying them,
> you're not going to be able to do it by saying, "Come
> back to the dome, Little Sheba...all is forgiven."

True, but if people looked at it as a reunion, a revisiting of old times, old 
friends it might get some to come.  In truth, I doubt that the idea will work - 
as you say people did not appear even when paid to do so.  . But if they want 
to try and fill the Domes, it is all I can think of - other than taking some of 
the funds stashed in India and paying more Indians to do this.  There was once 
a lot of good will, but it drained away.
> Most people know that there is absolutely nothing that
> they need to be forgiven *for*. 
> > With all due respect Susan, how can you be so sure 
> > about that? If you invite anyone who wants to come 
> > just because they learned the TMSP at some point 
> > you could get a lot of people in the Domes doing 
> > all sorts of woo-woo. Do you really want to be part 
> > of such an experiment ?
> But here's one half of the real problem. Asshole
> elitists like Nabby and the other TBs who are so
> terrified of picking up Off The Program Cooties
> that they'd be afraid to be in the same room with
> someone who has done nothing more than visit the
> *same* saints they've visited, but kept hidden.
> The other half -- not to be forgotten IMO -- is
> that there is and has always been an subconscious
> desire to *sabotague* the "dome numbers" to make
> sure that no real test of the ME theory was ever
> possible. As long as the TBs can claim that "We
> didn't make the numbers...no wonder nothing 
> happened," they can continue to believe that
> if they *had* "made the numbers" something would
> have. I think most of us here know that nothing
> would. 
> If the TMO had *ever* really wanted to actually
> "prove" their ME theory, they had the money 100X
> over to make it happen. They could have spent a 
> mere fraction of their wealth, sponsored a huge 
> FREE course, and tried to get everyone to come. 
> Then they could have opened up the "science" to
> independent, non-biased researchers and offered
> them a chance to do parallel experiments to the
> biased, foregone-conclusion TM researchers' 
> experiments. 
> This never happened, and I believe that a huge
> reason why it never did is that no one WANTED
> it to happen. Maharishi certainly didn't, accord-
> to the Kaplans and others who reported what he
> said in private. And the TMO honchos don't want
> it to happen, because if it "goes wrong" and
> absolutely NOTHING happens to crime statistics
> or weather or all the other things they'd claim
> "should" be affected, the last hangers-on in
> the TM movement would finally beat feet, the
> movement would dissolve, and they'd actually
> have to work for a living. 
> "Achieving the dome numbers" is never going to
> happen. It won't happen because a small cadre of
> TM TBs wants to keep things all to themselves,
> without any Cooties around, and because the 
> people in charge don't want the ME ever really
> put to the test.

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