How about daily peaceful marches during the conference like back during the 
civil rights movement with signs, speeches, and the whole nine yards? It would 
have to be off campus of course but would the FF powers-at-be issue the 
necessary permits for the streets or highways abutting the campus? Who knows, 
LB might even make an appearance. Here's an idea: you could have a flyover 
dropping leaflets and other truths (or propaganda depending on which way you 

--- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> Son, you were not here so don't just assume things but yes your advice below 
> is good and true about the fourth estate below.  That is also how things get 
> done around here.  Obviously they read this page and others about themselves 
> and can move in ways accordingly.  The meeting was a TM movement style public 
> meeting where they control the stage seats and microphones in their way of 
> decorum. Very top-down with the authority up front in the stuffed chairs with 
> the mics.  We're an extremely verbal group, but.  When the mics were opened 
> up a bunch of people lined up for the floor mics and the line got worked 
> through.  Mostly sincere people and some aggravated people too get up 
> thinking to solve the problem in little ways.  A couple good new ideas come 
> but nothing of fundamental change offered.  Not many people from in the town. 
>  Mostly concerned earnest faith-based kind of movement people who are not 
> really going to jeopardize their access to everything by speaking out much 
> truth to power.  Though as soon as the meeting is over folks are talking to 
> one another about real things.  The enforced steady decorum of the moderated 
> mic was not really about discussion.  Just quick consideration of one point 
> per and the point would be referred to further consideration in some groups.  
> Mayor Malloy as a meditator did do an excellent job of moderating the usual 
> community crazies too who get up to any open mics in any public meeting.  
> After a while they announced the last comment as the mic went to a guy that 
> it was getting late and the meeting was to end.  So it went.  Nothing really 
> substantial related to our community deficit in the Dome numbers and who was 
> responsible.
> -Buck
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Actually there was only one person tonite at the landmark 
> > > > meeting who brushed up against this talking about how 
> > > > experiences have been compromised in people because of 
> > > > an underlying problem. She spoke in code of course with 
> > > > the big guy up there in front of the room. Otherwise the 
> > > > suggestions were trivial, as if people did not know the 
> > > > antipathy old meditators have with the movement with the 
> > > > elephant sitting in the room. Two elephants actually.
> > > 
> > > Buck, I'm going to have to call you on this one. 
> > > 
> > > If YOU were there, why didn't YOU speak up?
> > > 
> > > The problems with the "dome program" are NOT because
> > > of the people administrating them. They're caused by
> > > the roomful of pussies to timid or too intimidated
> > > to say something about the policies. 
> > > 
> > > Don't you DARE keep ranting about Bevan and his gang
> > > if YOU didn't have the balls to say something when
> > > offered the opportunity to do so.
> > 
> > I'm mentioning this partly because of the chorus of
> > laudations for the late LB Shriver. I never knew him,
> > and his contributions to FFL were before my time. But
> > I've noticed a tendency in some people checking in 
> > here to admire him for standing up to the "powers that 
> > be" and actually making some of his comments and 
> > criticisms in public.
> > 
> > Which is admirable, except that the people applauding
> > him for doing this don't seem to do this themselves. 
> > They bend over and take in the ass from the TMO 
> > policies, then grumble safely from behind pseudonyms 
> > about the perps not having used any K-Y, if they
> > grumble at all. 
> > 
> > NOTHING will change about the TM movement until this
> > codependent enabling stops. I've said it before and 
> > I'll probably say it again -- if you want a change to 
> > these discriminatory and probably illegal policies, 
> > TAKE IT TO THE PRESS. Go public, and go large. 
> > 
> > Nothing terrifies tyrants more than the things they're
> > doing behind closed doors being made public. Nothing
> > encourages them more to *continue* doing these things 
> > than a bunch of terrified sheep too timid to complain 
> > that the shepherds are buggering them.
> >

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