"Erasehead" is a film about an industrialized post-apocalyptic world.  
Therefore it is a political commentary on the possibility of society 
moving into such a crushing state.  George Lucas's "THX1138" is also a 
film about a post-apocalyptic world.  Neither film would probably sit 
well with some people.  "Erasehead" was embraced by the arts community.  
Lynch was also inspired by Salvadore Dali's 1929 short "Un Chein Andalou":

Sometimes you have to create shocking art to wake up an otherwise 
sleeping public.

On 06/01/2013 01:41 PM, drpsutphen wrote:
> When Lynch is constrained by a more traditional narrative he does fine with 
> only a little weirdness coming through from time-to-time. But Judy or Share, 
> have you seen "Eraserhead"? There is no way you can think such a movie comes 
> from a normal mind. This is a very "sick" movie.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
>>> If you can watch the Twin Peaks series and NOT say that son
>>> of a bitch is ill in his feeble mind then there is something
>>> seriously wrong with you.
>> Must be something wrong with me, then. I thought much of
>> "Twin Peaks" was brilliant.
>> And it was must-see TV at the time, too, so I had lots of
>> company.
>> A lot of it was side-splittingly funny. Some of the humor
>> was creepy, but dude, this was prime-time network television,
>> so obviously it wasn't "ill" enough to make most people
>> uncomfortable.
>> If it made you uncomfortable, fine, you're entitled. But of
>> all the possible descriptions of the mind of the guy
>> responsible, "feeble" is about the last one that could
>> legitimately be applied.
>> IMHO, of course.

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