Thank you, Share. 
Thanks to all. 
The most most most recent email (now compared to two years ago) flips opinion 
of what was good compatibility, to a  "medium compatibility," (23.5) and the 
kuja dosha was not cancelled meaning separation. Kuja dosha was said to have 
canceled in the first email I got from the pandit.
 This is WAY wrong to say one thing and flip to another using a "science," as a 
theme of what science, because Jyotish is not actual science? 

Share, I too have heard and seen people with higher and lower compatibilities 
stay together or part ways, and as someone else wrote, these numbers are for 
arranged marriages. 
There is no escaping an arranged marriage. lol

Divorce rates are 50 percent in the west. At the same time, even if people 
divorce, I have witnessed and witness currently couples who have gotten rid of 
some of their baggage and maybe even the marriage license (this would suggest 
the divorce rate is not actually 50%, because some couples do not have a 
license and live as life partners.)  I have always been freaked out by those 
divorce numbers, hearing of them made me wonder what was wrong with our 
culture. Now I am gaining a different perspective on that.  The perspective 
that the western culture divorce rate is really not bad at all!  My fear to get 
into more than one relationship only to find it may end, and on to another,  
should not be concerned with Jyotish as a fact, other than my own tendencies 
(learning my own) of relating to and with another partner from my own 
At least our culture allows for release of dysfunctional relationships. Just 
because a Hindu is married, does not mean they do not cheat, lie, or love. So 
they stay "married." 

I was lucky to have a quarter of a century with my husband, life partner, 
friend. I am grateful for that whole time of ups and downs.
His leaving the earth is all that separates us. 
Love has no boundaries, no expectations, so I do know I can share again on this 
earth, I just wanted to do it right and that is where a pandit pissed me off, 
because I was vulnerable to not knowing what direction to take, wanting to 
avoid going from one man to another to another, and again hoping to make it to 
the second happy phase of a life partner in my life. ha. I am not into all the 
silly dating games, but tend to navigate towards those from my past who know me 
well, my behavior, and actions. The one's who know how I treated my husband, 
how I treated our child. It is hard to hide baggage with those we have known a 
long time, so my wonder is, "Why was I wooly headed to think I needed Jyotish 
to guide me in making decisions about a partner when I have experience in this 
life to shine the light for me?"  Go ahead Turq, tear this up!  lol


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Obbajeeba, one of my favorite amateur jyotishis said that for marriage it's 
> good to have a compatability number over 25.  Based on my own experience, 
> I'd say that's good advice.  But of course being in FF, I've heard of good 
> marriages with low compatability number and failed marriages with high 
> compatability number.  Go figure!  Yes, in my experience the same jyotishi 
> will say different things at different times.  He said me and my ex had good 
> compatability but the timing was bad.  Later he mentioned the ex's kuja 
> dosha which I don't have and which if I had known about never would have 
> gotten involved.  Anyway, water under the bridge and we're friends now so 
> all well that ends well, etc.  I think you and the man have good 
> compatability for friendship.  Of course if either of you have rahu or ketu 
> in 7th, it's best if the other person has it too.  Fat lot of good this does 
> for you now but hopefully helpful for next time.  I better shut up now
>  before turq blows a gasket.  I think it's great that you have a sense of 
> humor about it all.     
> ________________________________
>  From: obbajeeba <>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 9:40 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jyotish is a practice?
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > On 06/02/2013 08:59 AM, obbajeeba wrote:
> > > Let the bashing begin!
> > > What if a Pandit says and writes that someone is compatible with another, 
> > > then a few years later the Pandit says the people are not compatible and 
> > > he only said that because he thought that is what the couple wanted, and 
> > > that he only went along with one's feelings because there was love and 
> > > compassion in a charts and eventually one would find out they did not 
> > > like each other?
> > 
> > The Pandit is a bad astrologer.  There are a couple of those out there. ;-)
> >
> Thanks.
> I went back and reviewed my old emails and I kept asking the pandit if he is 
> he sure this compatibility is okay? 
> Then at one point in a later email the pandit says about the dasa period the 
> man is running, which is the same one he said we both were running and 
> everything was good at the time of the good compatibility reading, now later 
> says the man is not ready for me until after the same certain dasa period and 
> the pandit goes as far as to say that the pandit is not wrong about the 
> compatibility, which was said to be good.again, twice..
> ...but of course, today he says he told me it was wrong, the compatibility.  
> He says I have a free will.

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