Ohhhhhhh shucks, Share, ohhhhhhh yeah. 
Seeking perfect is like practicing perfect!
In this case, let's all get practicing!

A side note to the Love having no expectations and no boundaries..it does not 
mean we cannot be selfish or greedy with our love. hahahaha

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Ann, you're definitely on a roll this morning, yay!  And Obbajee I love what 
> you say about love having no expectations, no boundaries.  As for your being 
> wooly headed, IMHO life would be sort of boring if we didn't have some wooly 
> headedness now and then.  Who the heck wants everything and everyone to be 
> perfect all the time?!
> ________________________________
>  From: obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, June 3, 2013 8:01 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jyotish is a practice?
> Thank you, Share. 
> Thanks to all. 
> The most most most recent email (now compared to two years ago) flips opinion 
> of what was good compatibility, to a  "medium compatibility," (23.5) and the 
> kuja dosha was not cancelled meaning separation. Kuja dosha was said to have 
> canceled in the first email I got from the pandit.
> This is WAY wrong to say one thing and flip to another using a "science," as 
> a theme of what science, because Jyotish is not actual science? 
> Share, I too have heard and seen people with higher and lower compatibilities 
> stay together or part ways, and as someone else wrote, these numbers are for 
> arranged marriages. 
> There is no escaping an arranged marriage. lol
> Divorce rates are 50 percent in the west. At the same time, even if people 
> divorce, I have witnessed and witness currently couples who have gotten rid 
> of some of their baggage and maybe even the marriage license (this would 
> suggest the divorce rate is not actually 50%, because some couples do not 
> have a license and live as life partners.)  I have always been freaked out by 
> those divorce numbers, hearing of them made me wonder what was wrong with our 
> culture. Now I am gaining a different perspective on that.  The perspective 
> that the western culture divorce rate is really not bad at all!  My fear to 
> get into more than one relationship only to find it may end, and on to 
> another,  should not be concerned with Jyotish as a fact, other than my own 
> tendencies (learning my own) of relating to and with another partner from my 
> own experiences.
> At least our culture allows for release of dysfunctional relationships. Just 
> because a Hindu is married, does not mean they do not cheat, lie, or love. So 
> they stay "married." 
> I was lucky to have a quarter of a century with my husband, life partner, 
> friend. I am grateful for that whole time of ups and downs.
> His leaving the earth is all that separates us. 
> Love has no boundaries, no expectations, so I do know I can share again on 
> this earth, I just wanted to do it right and that is where a pandit pissed me 
> off, because I was vulnerable to not knowing what direction to take, wanting 
> to avoid going from one man to another to another, and again hoping to make 
> it to the second happy phase of a life partner in my life. ha. I am not into 
> all the silly dating games, but tend to navigate towards those from my past 
> who know me well, my behavior, and actions. The one's who know how I treated 
> my husband, how I treated our child. It is hard to hide baggage with those we 
> have known a long time, so my wonder is, "Why was I wooly headed to think I 
> needed Jyotish to guide me in making decisions about a partner when I have 
> experience in this life to shine the light for me?"  Go ahead Turq, tear this 
> up!  lol
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Obbajeeba, one of my favorite amateur jyotishis said that for marriage it's 
> > good to have a compatability number over 25.  Based on my own 
> > experience, I'd say that's good advice.  But of course being in FF, I've 
> > heard of good marriages with low compatability number and failed marriages 
> > with high compatability number.  Go figure!  Yes, in my experience 
> > the same jyotishi will say different things at different times.  He said 
> > me and my ex had good compatability but the timing was bad.  Later he 
> > mentioned the ex's kuja dosha which I don't have and which if I had known 
> > about never would have gotten involved.  Anyway, water under the bridge 
> > and we're friends now so all well that ends well, etc.  I think you and 
> > the man have good compatability for friendship.  Of course if either of 
> > you have rahu or ketu in 7th, it's best if the other person has it too.  
> > Fat lot of good this does for you now but hopefully helpful for next
>  time.  I better shut up now
> >  before turq blows a gasket.  I think it's great that you have a sense 
> > of humor about it all.     
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 9:40 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jyotish is a practice?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > >
> > > On 06/02/2013 08:59 AM, obbajeeba wrote:
> > > > Let the bashing begin!
> > > > What if a Pandit says and writes that someone is compatible with 
> > > > another, then a few years later the Pandit says the people are not 
> > > > compatible and he only said that because he thought that is what the 
> > > > couple wanted, and that he only went along with one's feelings because 
> > > > there was love and compassion in a charts and eventually one would find 
> > > > out they did not like each other?
> > > 
> > > The Pandit is a bad astrologer.  There are a couple of those out there. 
> > > ;-)
> > >
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > I went back and reviewed my old emails and I kept asking the pandit if he 
> > is he sure this compatibility is okay? 
> > 
> > Then at one point in a later email the pandit says about the dasa period 
> > the man is running, which is the same one he said we both were running and 
> > everything was good at the time of the good compatibility reading, now 
> > later says the man is not ready for me until after the same certain dasa 
> > period and the pandit goes as far as to say that the pandit is not wrong 
> > about the compatibility, which was said to be good.again, twice..
> > ...but of course, today he says he told me it was wrong, the compatibility. 
> >  He says I have a free will.
> >

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