On 06/09/2013 11:07 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> 
> wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
>>> I love the way you said "maths", so British, so traditional.
>>> How could anyone get mad at you when you say that?
>> Hey, how could anyone get mad at me *anyway*?
> You challenge the belief systems they've invested in.
> Rather than challenge them themselves, they get mad.
> Some go as far as to describe the grade-school math
> of astrology as non-simplistic. Clearly anyone who
> believes that (I taught myself how to "cast charts"
> in less than an hour) has never worked with linear
> and non-linear math programming, quadratic program-
> ming, and optimization/predictive algorithms based
> on chaos theory. Now THOSE are "non-simplistic"
> maths. But *they* can't predict for shit, either,
> even after millions of man-hours thrown into the
> effort.
> Astrology is just simple grade-school math combined
> with a lot of subjective data-mining, with a lot of
> wishful thinking thrown in. It only "works" in the
> rear-view mirror, to "explain" to people *who already
> believe in it* what already happened and try to fit
> the randomly-shaped pegs of reality into the square
> hole of their ideas about reality.
> The "challenge" to astrology or Jyotish on this
> forum is the same as it's ever been. Predict some-
> thing. Something concrete, non-hazy, non-general,
> and that can be easily verified. We'll wait.
> Most believers in astrology here have never even
> tried. The ones who did presented *laughably*
> generalistic "predictions" that could be applied
> to anyone. I seem to remember JohnR even once
> "predicting" that "something bad is going to
> happen to person X" or something like that. :-)
> I restate my position -- the more time they've
> invested in the belief system, the less able they
> are to step back and challenge it, to see whether
> it has any validity or not.

No astrologer can predict what color car will cross a street where you 
are waiting for the light to change at 9:15 AM on Tuesday.  If that is 
what you think astrology is  then you are wrong.  I provides a "weather 
report" of what conditions exist for something to happen.  Malefic 
planetary periods can produce negative results.  If the planet for that 
period rules finances the person may indeed experience financial 
difficulties.  Supposedly remedial measures such as gems, performing 
charitable acts, yantras and mantras can reduce that effect.

Bad transits can also effect people.  I've seen it time and again. 
That's the thing, many astrologers spend their lives testing astrology 
to see if it works.  Why it works is another matter.  Das Goravani 
didn't help much with his explanation of "rays" the other. He sounded 
more like he was mocking astrology. :-D

It probably says in your horoscope you won't like astrology anyway. Each 
to his own.

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