On 06/13/2013 06:07 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> 
> wrote:
>> I remember Marshy saying that the best jyotishee would be a
>> computer because the universe worked in such a predictable
>> mechanical way, the less human interference in the process
>> the better!
>> I also remember the list of jyotish predictions that they
>> published every year. Had a full set in my office. Ever
>> quizzical I used to save them up and check to see how many
>> predictions came true. Not many.
>> I also remember the jyotish programme being suspended for
>> a while due to complaints about poor performance and then
>> re-introduced, but only for people who could provide the
>> birth details of both sets of grandparents! This would have
>> been in the late 90's.
>> Anyone puzzled about how this wonder may actually work should
>> check out Tony Nader's book of "discoveries" where there is a
>> diagram of the brain and how the planets join up to different
>> parts of it, presumably the parts that they govern. Planets
>> beyond Saturn aren't included, for some reason the vedic seers
>> chose not to cognize them. Or kept quite about it if they did.
>> You'd think an alleged scientist like Nader might try and fit
>> them in somehow, not enough ungoverned brain regions I guess.
>> Or maybe he'd have to have invent some more sanskrit names for
>> them. But to not even notice!
>> I wrote to him about this and a few other things, one of which
>> was how on Earth all this fitted in with evolution, but he never
>> wrote back. Presumably the invite to get in touch with comments
>> didn't extend to constructive criticism. The only comments they
>> published on the Marshy channel were of the "Wow, this knowledge
>> is the best thing ever!" variety.
>> That's the trouble with thinking you have Total Knowledge, there's
>> no room for improvement.
> I recall having a printout from a Fairfield, IA developed program called 
> Parasharas's Light which collated English translations of all the applicable 
> Vedic astrology texts with a chart. I am still waiting for all those 
> elephants it said I was going to own.

How many cars have you owned?

Which brings up a point about Indian astrology.  It was the purview of 
the rich not the masses.  Obviously at the time only the rich could 
afford to have their charts cast and often it was only the kings or 
rajas.  For the masses there was the panchang using the position of  the 
moon which can be determined by just looking at moon's phases.

We haven't even touched palmistry yet but it may give another clue as to 
why astrology works.  I also took courses on it and once read the palm 
of the wife of a co-worker.  I told her there would be some medical 
issues ahead.  Another co-worker who had taken some of the palmistry 
classes with me was shocked I would say such a thing.  He didn't notice 
the grin on the couple's face.  They had recently learned they were 
expecting a child.

Astrology most likely developed from marking time with the moon, then 
the sun and eventually the planets.  What was being observed were 
patterns in nature that repeat themselves.  Those who know the physics 
of sound know that a fundamental sound has overtones.  The universe was 
created as a fundamental tone we are just the overtone series.  It's 
like the whole universe is made of fractals.

Astrology is not supposed to be exact.  Weather forecasting isn't exact 
either but provides the likelihood of weather patterns. Similarly 
astrology provides a likelihood of patterns occurring in someone's 
life.  Bad astrologers believe it to be black and white.

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