Dear Ann,

No I haven't offered any predictions - neither for you, nor for raunchy or
anyone else for that matter.

My approach remains same for astrology reading. Sure - one could say my
reading is tainted somewhat by my knowledge of you and raunchy. But I
remember doing one for a lady where I didn't know anything about her and
that was pretty good - based on her feedback, she was extremely happy.
There weren't any predictions given, just insights into her based on her

So - yes, no problem, I can go ahead and do the same analysis for your test

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Ann <> wrote:

> **
> Maybe Ravi would be up for a little test, or maybe not. I have a birthdate
> of someone I could give him. He won't know who it is but it is someone I
> know intimately. Maybe he could give me their analysis and some predictions
> regarding their life based on the chart. I would know for sure how accurate
> this was and share it with the group. I had thought of this before but now
> that you have thrown down the gauntlet maybe Ravi would be up for this. On
> the other hand, Ravi owes none of us anything and I wouldn't blame him for
> not wanting to do this particular reading of mine I have to offer.
> >

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