--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Just for fun, did anyone notice that Judy snipped out
> all of the *direct quotes* of hers that proved that
> she once commented on a film she had never seen?

It would be hard not to notice that I snipped 
*everything* you said about it in your post, given that
I noted specifically that I was doing so (see complete
post below). I wrote:

> I'm going to skip this because we've been through
> it so many times already. It's a "case in point"
> only of how Barry engages in distortion,
> mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
> remember how this has gone each time Barry has
> brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
> focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
> and lies about Robin.

> That's Judy "I Never Lie" Stein for you.  :-)

That's Barry "I Lie Constantly About Judy" for you.
Remember what I said, that whenever Barry tries to
engage with his critics, it's *guaranteed* that he
will lose? This whole exchange is yet another
example. Lies Lose, Barry. Automatically.

> As *she* does so often, let's restore the snipped
> parts, shall we? Then lurkers can figure out for them-
> selves if perhaps there was something in them she was
> trying to hide or obscure.

As I pointed out, we've been over this many times.
It's all on the record. I'm happy to refer folks to
the relevant posts if they can't remember how it all
went in the previous iterations. There's no need for
me to say it all *again*. Here I'm only interested in
Barry's lies about Robin (and now in Barry's lies
about my response to those lies). Barry wants to
distract as much attention as possible from those

(snipping the Apocalypto crap again, leaving in
the quote of my post)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> >
> > You don't get it, Barry. You've been busted. AGAIN.
> > 
> > You told a whopper of a lie in your earlier post
> > about Robin. It was exposed. The only way you *know
> > how* to respond to the exposure of yet another of
> > your lies *is to tell more lies*, as you do here.
> > 
> > It's such a dreary exercise, but you'll be going
> > through it until the day you die.
> > 
> > With regard to your lies about Robin, what they
> > indicate is that to you, what Robin *actually did*
> > didn't seem all that bad. Otherwise you wouldn't
> > have felt the need to lie about it to make it
> > sound worse.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Barry is very careful to obscure the distinction Robin
> > > > was at pains to make between Robin allegedly having
> > > > struck people *onstage during his public seminars*--
> > > > which was what Vaj had accused him of doing, falsely--
> > > > and having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
> > > > in a private residential setting well before there had
> > > > been any seminars (and at which Vaj had not been
> > > > present).
> > > > 
> > > > As Robin said (omitted by Barry): "I did not deny
> > > > something I knew was true. I denied what I was
> > > > accused of."
> > > 
> > > I will respond to this because it is EXACTLY why 
> > > I referred to Robin's harping on this "onstage 
> > > during his public seminars" phrase as a "Judy 
> > > Stein-like nitpick." It's *her* act, the one she
> > > uses ALL THE TIME.
> > 
> > What Barry calls "nitpicks" are actually *facts*
> > that challenge how he characterizes things.
> > Barry is blind to any kind of nuance; he sees
> > things strictly in black-and-white terms.
> > 
> > It doesn't take a lot of reflection to recognize
> > the difference between physically smacking people
> > around up on stage in front of an audience during
> > a seminar open to the public, and the Zen-roshi-
> > like smacks in a private setting that Robin
> > described (which, according to him, happened very
> > rarely in exceptional circumstances, and to which,
> > according to him, nobody present objected). He was
> > accused of the former and denied it.
> > 
> > > Case in point. Recently she claimed YET AGAIN 
> > > that she had never commented on a film that she
> > > had not seen.
> > 
> > I'm going to skip this because we've been through
> > it so many times already. It's a "case in point"
> > only of how Barry engages in distortion,
> > mischaracterization, and lying. If anybody doesn't
> > remember how this has gone each time Barry has
> > brought it up, let me know. In the meantime, let's
> > focus on his distortions, mischaracterizations,
> > and lies about Robin.
> > 
> > (snip)
> > > And *now* she says -- doubling down on her defense of
> > > the crazy person who we now know (and which she 
> > > *admits* in a followup post -- *repeatedly* struck
> > > his students, and was trying to equivocate to hide
> > > that fact -- that what he was avoiding admitting to
> > > was "having struck people in a Zen-roshi-like manner
> > > in a private residential setting."
> > 
> > Barry, see a doctor. Your mind simply isn't
> > functioning properly.
> > 
> > First, only Robin can admit that he struck people,
> > obviously. I can't admit it for him.
> > 
> > Second, *he admitted the Zen-roshi-like business
> > back in January 2012*. That's what his Open Letter
> > post was about and what I described in my first post
> > in response to Barry. My follow-up post yesterday
> > pointed out that Ann had reported what seems to have
> > been a hitting incident *during a seminar*. Somehow
> > Barry has managed to get these two confused. Or he
> > hopes readers will and is simply lying.
> > 
> > > Isn't it FASCINATING that Judy can completely 
> > > *ignore* the REASON Robin proposes for having struck 
> > > these people:
> > > 
> > > "If the person seemed so identified with this deceitful
> > > representation of themselves through the malice of this 
> > > fallen angel that they were in fact defending or upholding 
> > > the integrity of themelves in resisting the beneficent 
> > > and merciful inspiration of my enlightenment—consciously 
> > > as it were, or unconsciously colluding with the fallen 
> > > angel—I might, on occasion shock that person out of 
> > > such an identification."
> > > 
> > > This is INSANITY on such a level that it probably qual-
> > > ifies for the Most Insane Thing Ever Said On This Forum,
> > > and Judy Stein *cannot even see it*.
> > 
> > What Robin was describing in that paragraph, obviously,
> > was *how it seemed to him at the time*, not how he sees
> > it today. He's said over and over here that he was
> > deluded back then.
> > 
> > > Her *entire* focus is on "doubling down" and finding
> > > nitpicks that can make it look as if she has not been
> > > WRONG in her assessment of Robin Carlsen, who he was,
> > > and who he still is.
> > 
> > I have no basis to assess who Robin was 30-some years
> > ago other than what he's said about himself. He says
> > he was deluded. I have no reason to doubt his own
> > assessment. I see no trace of any delusions in what
> > Robin says today.
> > 
> > > She equivocated and lied in her attempts to "defend"
> > > him back then,
> > 
> > I did no such thing and Barry knows it.
> > 
> >  and she's still doing it. Please note
> > > yet another nitpick and equivocation. She tries in a 
> > > followup post to make a Big Deal about the fact that
> > > Ann had not posted yet about Robin striking people 
> > > when this "Open Letter" to me was written.
> > 
> > More mental confusion on Barry's part.
> > 
> > I didn't make a Big Deal of the timing of the two
> > posts, I mentioned it in passing. And what I said
> > was that Ann *had not read* Robin's Open Letter post
> > at the time she made her post. She didn't know what
> > he was going to say. He didn't know what *she* was
> > going to say. The two posts were made only a minute
> > apart.
> > 
> >  What she
> > > is trying to obscure was that that Robin's confessional
> > > post was written in response to a post of mine, *just
> > > after* I wrote to Ann on this forum encouraging her
> > > *to* speak up about her experiences with Robin, since
> > > she was actually there.
> > 
> > That's right, and I have zero reason to "obscure" this.
> > 
> > > Robin's confession in his "Open Letter" was IMO a 
> > > "preemptive strike," done out of fear of what she 
> > > might say, an attempt to somehow salvage his reputation 
> > > before she had a chance to dispute his *clear* claim 
> > > that he had never struck any of his students.
> > 
> > Again, Barry's mind is muddled. What Robin acknowledged
> > in his Open Letter was that he had struck his students
> > long before Ann met him. He was revealing something
> > she did not know and could not have revealed herself,
> > so it obviously wasn't a "preemptive strike."
> > 
> > Yes, there's a discrepancy between his denial of having
> > struck anyone *during his seminars*, when Ann *did*
> > know him, and what Ann remembers of a single incident
> > during one seminar. I pointed out that very discrepancy
> > in my follow-up post, so obviously *I'm* not trying to
> > obscure it. Nor have I attempted to explain it. Robin's
> > the only person who can do that.
> > 
> > Nobody asked him about it at the time. He left the
> > next afternoon, and it hasn't come up since, until
> > now.
> > 
> > The only person who is attempting to obscure things
> > is Barry himself. The Howells and LordKnows didn't
> > come on the scene until *months* after Robin had
> > revealed in his Open Letter what had taken place in
> > the private context; and *they* weren't aware of it
> > any more than Ann was.
> > 
> > Yet Barry claimed:
> > 
> > > And *then* what happened? A few people began who *were* there
> > > and who *did* "experience the power of the context of those
> > > seminars" began to show up on Fairfield Life. At this point,
> > > knowing what they'd say, Robin -- Mr. I Will Not Equivocate --
> > > changed his tune somewhat:
> > 
> > Again: Robin had "changed his tune" in his Open Letter
> > in January 2012, months before the Howells and LordKnows
> > showed up. He didn't know they were going to show up nor
> > what they'd say. And in fact they said nothing about what
> > he revealed in his Open Letter.
> > 
> > Barry was here. He knows all this. In the paragraph I
> > just quoted, he was deliberately lying to make Robin
> > look as bad as he possibly could.
> > 
> > > Yet to Judy Stein:
> > > 
> > > > Robin comes out *almost* completely clean in this. He
> > > > never said anything that was not strictly true as he
> > > > remembers it. 
> > > 
> > > THAT is the "standard of honesty" used by the person 
> > > who has arguably used the word "LIAR" more than any 
> > > other person in the history of the Internet. She 
> > > clearly believes that things are "true" if a person
> > > just "remembers them" as being true.
> > 
> > Of course I never said or suggested such a thing. 
> > Barry knows it, everyone reading this knows it. Of
> > course things aren't true just because someone
> > remembers them being true. My point, obviously, is
> > that a person isn't *lying* if they are reporting
> > what they remember but it happens to be wrong.
> >  
> > > This strikes me as an awfully convenient definition 
> > > of truth,
> > 
> > Which exists only in Barry's mind. I never proposed it.
> > 
> > (snip)
> > > Personally I think that other than the obvious (Judy
> > > compulsively defends Robin because he ragged on the
> > > same "enemies" she does), the most likely reason why
> > > she's developed such a crush on him is that he is 
> > > one of the only people ever to appear on this forum
> > > more narcissistic, more sociopathic, and more flat-
> > > out INSANE than she is.
> > 
> > Barry is writing about himself here. Just for one
> > thing, note that "enemies" is his term, not mine.
> > 
> > As I've said, the only time I'm aware of Robin having
> > come close to "equivocating" on FFL was with regard to
> > this striking-students business. He came clean on that
> > back in January 2012, except for the discrepancy with
> > Ann's account of the single seminar incident, which
> > he's never addressed.
> > 
> > Barry, on the other hand, has told *countless* lies
> > on this forum--including in his posts about Robin
> > this time around--and has never come clean about *any*
> > of them.
> > 
> > Barry is a pathological liar, one of the primary
> > characteristics of sociopathy and narcissism.
> > 
> > And me, I don't lie or equivocate.
> > 
> > Robin and I admire and are fond of each other. I've
> > defended him when he's been unfairly attacked by
> > people who find him threatening, as Barry does. I
> > have a habit of defending folks who have been
> > unfairly attacked, as Barry knows to his sorrow.
> > 
> > One of the things Robin and I have in common is
> > that we both detest dishonesty, factual or
> > intellectual. Of course we would go after the same
> > dishonest people here. But that isn't what our
> > friendship is based on; we'd feel the same way about
> > each other even if there were no such people to go
> > after.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > In her mind, that makes them "the perfect couple." 
> > >
> > > And y'know...she might be right about that one...
> >

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