so you think the OJ  case was fair? Maybe OJ will hire Zimmerman to be his 
butler and they can compare notes.

 From: wgm4u <>
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 4:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The George Zimmerman case: Steyn nails it.


--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> you have no real world knowledge - how could Zimmerman have drawn his weapon 
> which was in a IWB (inner waistband holster) that he claimed was either on 
> his right hip, or actually BEHIND his back (he waffled on the placement of 
> the gun in his waistband) - even if on his right hip, with Martin on him, 
> straddling his body Zimmerman's hands would have been blocked from access to 
> the weapon and how the hell could Martin have seen a black gun in a black IWB 
> on a dark rainy night when the weapon was not in his field of vision if he 
> had HIS hands over Zimmerman's face. Its a matter of placement of each 
> person's body and the limitations of the physical body. Zimmerman obviously 
> lied as to who was where - no way Martin could even have seen the gun, much 
> less grabbed for it under those circumstances, nor could Zimmerman have drawn 
> the weapon under the circumstances Zimmerman described. He lied and that's 
> it. But you won't believe it because of the dead boy's

Amigo Jackson-We don't really KNOW what happened! We do know Trayvon Martin and 
his family got a fair hearing on the matter and the state failed to prove it's 
case to a fair minded Jury, that's it! Only God guarantees perfect justice and 
I don't think he needs YOUR *opinion* to reach it! end.


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