Which lie are you referring to Edg? About being celibate when he had a wife and 
young'uns? Or something else?

 From: Duveyoung <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 1:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great writing advice from Stephen King


> > > "Back before I was fully enlightened, and was just
> > > another hit man for the Mafia..."
> > > 
> > 
> > Heh, you made me remember that Vaughn Abrams wrote a book in which he
> named
> > a character "Edg" who was an assassin who killed for spiritual reasons.
> > 
> > Never asked me for permission, and insisted that I was his model for the
> > character. Pissed me off!
> > 
> > Well he got his just desserts, eh?
> > 
> He sure got some karma.  Not sure it was from his "guru" doings.  Can't toss
> any stones at him, cuz, hey, we're all just trying our best, and that was
> his version of it.  He wanted to teach so badly, but but but.  Felt sorry
> for him.  Very high I.Q. and yet . . .
> Edg
> It's not so much that he wanted to teach. He wanted to be the recipient of
> veneration and devotion. When I was teaching on the east coast, he did a
> residence course in which he sat up on a dais and had people give him
> flowers. He later got called over to Switzerland where Maharishi told him
> that one guru was enough for the movement.

He sorta settled down after being warned -- for a few years -- but then when 
the shit hit the fan for all his business doings, he put on the dhoti again.  I 
called him on it when he tried to recruit me into his "thang," and that was the 
parting of the ways for us.  

Given what we know of Maharishi's business doings, I kinda have to cut Vaughn a 
break in that, hey, "birds of a feather."

I, too, have to ask my mirror how much of a charlatan I was/am to resonate with 
the movement's willingness to break any law it wanted to break.  For Vaughn 
(and Sri Sri, and Andy Rymer, et alia)to do what they did, I'm feeling like 
Maharishi's immorality MODELED THAT for them.

When I consider how many scoundrels the movement attracted and how few saints 
it produced (so far: none?) I am sobered.  

And seeing how King Tony lied to all of us, well, seems to be that the apple 
fell from the tree and didn't roll an inch.



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