--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > > > And seeing how King Tony lied to all of us, well, seems to be
> > > the apple
> > > > > fell from the tree and didn't roll an inch.
> > > > >
> > > > > Edg
> > > > >
> > > > > I wouldn't fault King Tony for having a clandestine family
> > > >
> > > > Why do you claim it was "clandestine" ? No one knew about his
> > > except Maharishi, but so what ? Nader was never presented as a
> > > Brahmachary. It's one of you fantasies again Rick.
> > >
> >
> > > Doesn't matter how he was presented -- the fact that it was hidden
> >
> > It wasn't.
> It seems you are off medication again Edg. Because if you were perhaps
you could have used your brain for reasoning. For example; the fact that
his wife did not show up in Vlodrop, what did that tell you ?
> Perhaps she simply didn't want to go ? Perhaps she had her own career
to think of, children to raise, perhaps she's simply not very
interested. Perhaps she's not even a meditator, who knows ? Do you ?
> No you don't, still you produce, backed by the Rumor-maker par
Excellence Himself, Rick Stanley, claim after claim that if they did not
have your stamp on it would have had you sued from A to Z and back.
> I suggest you go back to the prescribed medication asap before you
disgrace yourself further.

Dearest Nabs,

I gotta say, something inside me clicked off, and I find you endearing
now.  As my next good friend, Willy, would say, "Go figure."

Gotta get you on a Trikke, and by the way, I'm been working for months
on my next modification and might have the world's fastest Trikke
shortly.  Wait, I already do, but my first mod only added a few mph, so
that's not such a great thing to crow about, but the one I'm building
now will go more than twice as fast -- 40 mph!  Wanna ride it?  Don't
miss the bliss!

Meanwhile, I would remind you that (according to Hollywood) Gandhi
almost divorced his wife, because she wouldn't shovel dirt over shit in
the ashram's latrine, so King Tony is simply not surmounting Gandhi's
moral high ground bar of demanding harmony with his partner FOR OBVIOUS

Tony's probably just a wonderful guy, doesn't beat his wife or eat peas
with his knife,  but as a King, hmmmmm.  As Rama told Sita, "the fame of
the King is his most preci0us attribute, and  the least whispering
amongst the people is something that simply cannot be allowed," and so,
Sita was sent TO HELL.  Not threatened with divorce, you might note.

If King Tony has a wife who is not into his thang, then what does that
say about his view of women that he would hide her?  Where's his respect
for her?  If she'd been sold out to Maharishi, I'm sorta thinking he
could have worked her into the movement's various activities, and she
could have been a powerful inspiration for the true believing women of
the movement, but no, he chose someone whom he would have to be "at odds
with" on a, say, "vibrational level," FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.  What's
that karma, eh?  Was it to instruct us all to get into intimate
side-by-side relationships with non-believers?


I would sit there quietly, honest!  No intoning of Tibetan throat
voicings!  I won't hand out pamphlets.

See how easy I am to work with?

But noooooooooooo, you can call me on my various impurities, but I can't
call bullshit on someone whose YEARS-LONG secret actions completely
surprised the entire movement -- shocked most of the true believers --
shocked such that, say, 60% felt a deep betrayal, because they'd had him
pegged as a saint.  And shocking too that Bevvy and the Crowned Knobs
were just fine with all of us thinking that about Tony.

We wuz played.

We wuz always being played.

SINCE 1957.

But that's all our karma, so no one gets to bitch.  It's all good.

Note that I have NEVER said TM doesn't work.  I've only said that it
doesn't change anything, but that's okay!  We're all getting out of the
"changing business," right?

Love ya, Dude!


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