Steve, I also really like the Stoics founded by Xeno of Citium. I think that 
makes me a Stoic Epicurean, a Stepicurean ho ho.

PS to Ann: IMHO, that Barbie woman looks like a zombie so I'll stick to my 
cookies though have never worn Birkenstocks or granny dresses either. However, 
I did have a full length, white, jersey, backless, halter gown in which I 
looked hot, if I don't mind saying so myself. One guy said I looked like 
Marilyn Monroe in it. But you know, with brown hair!

 From: seventhray27 <>


Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:20 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great writing advice from Stephen King


--- In, "Ann" wrote:

> Cool, which Greek philosopher knew Share?
I think it was Epicurus.  
> > 
> > No, I was never in that camp.
> > 
> > There's a lady up in Victoria, BC, who is found of saying, "Lighten Up"
> Really? Do I know her? Who is she and where did she say that? And why?
Says it all the time.  You may know her.  Pretty blonde,  but no bimbo this 
lady.  Hell no!
> > 
> > Always good advice!
> >


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