Doc, thanks again for caring, taking the time to reply, sharing your ideas. Now 
about boundaries: I think it's really hard to tell if someone is setting 
boundaries in an online community. Just so you know, something Sig Other 
complained about, I set plenty of them. And Nature nicely supplements. For 
example, on Monday night, well Tuesday morning really, I woke up at 1:30 
Central and could not get back to sleep! Awful, awful. I did something which I 
do maybe 1 or 2 times a year. I turned on the computer! Very dumb! Saw that 
Judy and Raunchy had just posted! Now here's a boundary for you: I did not read 
those posts at that time! Very smart! Still haven't read all the posts that 
were posted Monday night/early Tuesday morning. Again, very smart IMHO (-:

Anyway, when I eventually read turq's post, I was already wrecked from lack of 
sleep, dulled out, etc. I think that was a loving boundary from Mother Nature 

Yikes! Time for Dome, more later. Thank you again.

 From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Message To Share

You are welcome - I find turq's behavior towards you reprehensible, and always 
will. I don't know why you are willingly a target for his abuse. He severely 
compromises your public identity for those who are reading this forum. Maybe 
that is very few of us. However, I would think that you would set a boundary 
for that public behavior, of his, towards you. Not because it gets to you, but 
because it is childish, and meant to be hurtful. 

Through daily activity, I am around children, of all ages, and the thing they 
must learn is boundaries, for their own sake. So, whatever age the child, I 
never hesitate to reinforce boundaries with them. That way, they have half a 
chance of growing up to be kind, socially integrated adults. I don't hold my 
breath, beyond taking an action to set boundaries, but neither do I blithely 
let the moment pass.

--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Doc, thank you. Susan is also friendly towards turq as are several including 
> but not limited to Steve and Curtis and Xeno, sort of. Anyway, as I replied 
> to Emily long ago, what I mean by psychological rape is when someone 
> attributes thoughts and feelings to me that I'm not having. turq doesn't do 
> that. I guess what turq said should bother me. But he has told me to STFU 
> before! He has called me an idiot before and the worst kind of TBer, 
> attention seeker, etc. So nothing new really. And maybe he was shocked by how 
> much I posted. I was too! Anyway, it's just turq being turq. BTW, I don't 
> think of us as friends or allies or anything like that. We both like the 
> Minion movies. That's about the extent of what we have in common. I come to 
> his defense when people gang up on him. But I would do that for anyone 
> because it is a pet peeve of mine. And he has been supportive of me when I 
> have been ganged up on. That has meant a lot. Anyway, I hope he has a great
>  vacation. And shall we let the river flow on?  
> ________________________________
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:53 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Message To Share
> Assuming Barry has everything all tidied up at home, as he often assures us 
> he does, and given that he basically lost control of his bowels today, 
> Tuesday, indicates that he probably got humiliated in a meeting at work, or 
> works for someone who makes his life miserable, or both. Or maybe it was just 
> another dateless weekend...who really knows, except that there WAS some sort 
> of trigger event...
> Barry is like a powder keg on here, compulsively scanning his spreadsheets, 
> obsessively tracking who said what, and in direct competition with that 
> persona, he must maintain the uber-cool, global AND glacial, Uncle Tantra 
> image. 
> Feels like sandpaper inside him, though, the itch he cannot scratch, until he 
> finds a target, no matter how inappropriate. He violates all of his public 
> boundaries, for his release - He Just Has To Let It OUT. 
> And while he is at it, why not kill two birds, with a single stone? After 
> all, Share considers him to be the big brother she never had, and is the only 
> one here who consistently treats him in a friendly way.
> But this, remember, is Barry The Magnificent, liver in of foreign countries, 
> who has screwed more women than any of us can count, and is practically on a 
> first name basis with Anybody Who Really Matters. 
> So, he thought about the pros, and cons, of keeping Share around. Ally, or 
> simply an embarrassment? Pretty obvious what Barry's choice was:
> We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
> that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
> critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick 
> skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough..."
> BTW, Share, I think you have an EXCELLENT case for psychological rape, now.
> --- In, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > >
> > > "The 'mean girls' trying to 'get' you are an embarrassment
> > > to the notion of humans having compassion..."
> > > 
> > > So if the "mean girls" wanted to stop trying to "get"
> > > Share and exercise compassion toward her instead, we
> > > should strive to emulate Barry, as he has modeled
> > > compassion for us in this SHUT THE FUCK UP post to Share.
> > > 
> > > Did I get that right, Barry? We "mean girls" are an
> > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion,
> > > whereas you are an exemplar thereof?
> > 
> > If FFL was anything like the 3D world Barry would be embarrassed to show 
> > his face let alone continue on as if he did not just present himself as 
> > just about the biggest dickhead on the planet. As if at least half of the 
> > readers here are not repulsed by him and the ugliness that consumes him 
> > inside. It is indeed some phenomenon to watch this dick-wad carry on as if 
> > he did not just perform the equivalent of raping the hostess of a party in 
> > front of her husband, take a dump on the dining room floor and kick the 
> > family dog on the way out the front door while flipping the remaining party 
> > guests the bird. Barry disgusts me in every way. "Asshole" is too kind a 
> > word. He can carry on oblivious to his violations, and will no doubt do so, 
> > until his last, wretched breath.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
> > > > that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
> > > > critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick
> > > > skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough. But
> > > > do you have to be such a codependent, attention-seeking masochist about
> > > > it?
> > > > 
> > > > Not only have you been making yourself the object of pursuit of your Jr.
> > > > High School-mentality tormentors, you've been doing it *purposefully*.
> > > > For fuck's sake, STOP.
> > > > 
> > > > You're even more boring than they are as they chase you endlessly like a
> > > > dog chases a ball. The "mean girls" trying to "get" you are an
> > > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having compassion, but you're an
> > > > embarrassment to the notion of humans having intelligence.
> > > > 
> > > > They're doing this because they have no choice; they're the dogs in this
> > > > scenario:
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > [\
> > > > 1783564220211_2025423059_n.jpg]
> > > > 
> > > > You're doing it because you're not terribly smart, or interesting, and
> > > > you crave attention anyway. And you don't fucking care whether you drag
> > > > a whole forum down to your level of idiocy to get it.
> > > >
> > >
> >


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