Check out this extremely thoughtful one-star review of
"War of the Worldviews" on Amazon before you buy the

--- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Seraphita" <s3raphita@> wrote:
> (snip)
> > On the topic of his books, I'm tempted to buy War of the
> > Worldviews as I enjoy argy-bargy and I respect Chopra for
> > having the balls to engage in open debate with a full-on 
> > materialist. Anyone read that and would recommend it?
> I haven't read it, but I've heard Chopra on videotape on
> the topic and read some of his articles talking about it.
> If you're interested in the debate with materialists, you
> could do a lot better than Chopra. He's not what I would
> call a rigorous thinker.
> You might try Thomas Nagel's "Mind and Cosmos: Why the
> Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost
> Certainly False." Robin was just entranced by it. Come to 
> think of it, he made a bunch of posts quoting from it at
> length:
> 323760
> 323779
> 323885
> 323982
> 324204
> 324320
> 324753
> 324858
> Nagel got in a lot of trouble with the big-time materialists;
> the book really upset them, so he must have hit close to the
> bone.

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