they must-a toned it down a bit cuz when we asked about ritam during our sidhi 
prep courses in 1976-77  they always talked about it as something you would 
experience in your consciousness, not in literal physical reality

 From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ritam Bhara Pragya and world peace


---In, <> wrote:

Yes. I was halfway kidding, but it was the only way I could think of to pose 
the question, which was legitimate: if you acquire some physical object via 
Ritam, where does it come from? Is it created out of thin air just for you? Or 
did it already exist somewhere and was just brought to you?

Another example they used was if you want an apple, you'll find one in your 
hand. I was tempted to ask if you'd get a specific variety of apple--Macintosh, 
Golden Delicious, e.g.--or if it would be a sort of generic cosmic apple. But 
given that they ignored my question about the phone book, I figured they either 
didn't know or had no interest in the details.

Gimme a break, I'd only been meditating for around six months!

I think it's great. I love asking really literal questions when you get the big 
spiel on things like ritam or other rather grandiose purported phenomena 
possibilities. It is perfectly natural to ask the questions you did and it also 
makes these people have to think a little and analyze how the thing might 
actually work beyond some airy fairy 'fact' that it does. More people should 
have taken the route you did instead of sitting there like numbskulls nodding 
their fool heads in wonderment. (Share?)

---In, <> wrote:

you're kidding, did you really ask if someone somewhere wold be missing a page?

 From: "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 9:13 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ritam Bhara Pragya and world peace

FWIW, as a mere meditator, I first heard about Ritam in either late 1975 or 
early 1976, on a residence course at which the teachers gave a lecture on the 

Among the examples of Ritam they gave was the guy who needed to know a phone 
number, who would find in his hands the appropriate page of the phone book. I 
asked whether the page would have been generated de novo, or whether there was 
some poor shlump somewhere who would then have a phone book with a missing page.

As absurd as the example was, I think it was actually a good theoretical 
question. After all, we were hearing about Ritam for the first time and had no 
idea what the mechanics involved. The teachers apparently assumed I was 
unstressing and ignored it.


---In, <> wrote:

My old friend Edmund Taylor who now lives in North Carolina claims that it was 
in response to a question from him that Marshy first spoke of ritam - he says 
there's a tape of it in the TM archives - it had to be in the 1970's cuz that's 
when he did TTC - dunno if its true but that's what he claims

 From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 11:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ritam Bhara Pragya and world peace

>From the BATGAP forum. The context was world peace. This is a post I made, 
>over there, earlier this evening:

"Kind of funny the way Maharishi used to
talk A LOT about patience, and his analogy of selling pencils to earn money,
one pencil at a time. Burned right through my youthful enthusiasm, and later,
my ego, just long enough to make me realize, that he was expressing a time
frame that operates on its own, leading surely to success.
Helped me get past false expectations for myself, and the world.
Allowed me to stay focused on the goal, which I thought was external for the
longest time, and it *almost* is: Ritam Bhara Pragya.
When I first heard about
"Ritam", in the 1980's, it was in the context of immediate benefit,
expression of the sidhis. Now I find out, backwards, that it is the state of
mind, where the rhythm of the mind matches the rhythm of the universe. I found
out backwards, because I was thinking about how to finish the sentence in
paragraph two, and 'Ritam Bhara Pragya' came in, so I googled it, and found out
it was exactly what I was trying to express.
So, that's how stuff happens now.
Further unfolding of the TMSP - full access to mind, matter, and everything in
between. An expansion of living Brahman, where the difference between inside
and out, practically disappears, this is another union, between an enlightened
mind (intellect and heart in Yoga), and manifestation, or not, in the manifest
world, the physical world.
The deepest and most powerful impulses
of creation make themselves known, not in any dramatic fashion, but in a way
that is natural, and approachable, making as much sense as those more obvious
laws in what I will call the most obvious world.
Finally, such experience is incredibly
useful! An entire landscape, conforming to Maharishi's expression, "do
less, and accomplish more", opens up. A very different, yet deeply
satisfying way of functioning, where any point in time or space, ranging from
nanoseconds, to cosmic eons, is available. No gaps.
Certainly, for
myself, I am rarely greatly concerned about my well being. However, every human
desires world peace, and I will always wait, and work, for that."


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