Richard, you're my hero for saying this. I mean jeez, we're all a mix of good 
and bad. Can't we all just acknowledge the good and help heal the bad, or 
whatever one wants to call it?

On Friday, October 18, 2013 9:18 AM, Richard J. Williams <> 
A guy who, through the simple force of his personality, could free a whole 
sub-continent from the rule of the British Empire, is very impressive indeed, 
even if he wore a bed sheet and slept with girls. I guess it's all a matter of 
what is right and what is wrong, not about the clothes you wear or if you sleep 
alone or not. Go figure.

On 10/17/2013 10:37 PM, wrote:

>"Thrill of the chaste" - excellent title! Thanks for the link.
>Yes, Gandhi has always been one of my pet peeves. Never been too keen on 
>Mother Teresa either.
>The thing about Gandhi for me is that, on the one hand, he presented himself 
>as a naked sadhu - ie, someone who had *renounced* the world - and yet he was 
>also a political figure - ie someone who was very much *engaged* with the 
>world (and in a dangerously naive way to boot). The unthinking veneration in 
>which he is held baffles me. 
>And - no doubt because I'm English - I find the whole sexual hypocrisy aspect 
>drives me up the wall!
>Maybe Penn & Teller were a bit harsh on the Dalai Lama though. He is also a 
>legitimate political leader and it's hard to keep squeaky clean in the world 
>of realpolitik. 
>---In, <> wrote:
>I had to come out of lurkdom to thank you for this beautiful video dear 
>Seraphita. I have long railed against Gandhi, Teresa and Dolly Lama and I 
>totally enjoyed this video, it is a good summary of these three 
>pseudo-spiritual icons.
>That Gandhi was sexually perverted and slept with girls was a well known fact 
>to me in India and my generation had no fascination for Gandhi. So I was quite 
>baffled by the adoration of Gandhi by liberals and I know I pissed off quite a 
>few with my statements on Gandhi. I recently had a chance to read this article 
>on the Independent - enjoy.
>On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 7:25 PM, <s3raphita@...> wrote:
>>>Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama get the Penn and Teller 
>>>treatment in this hilarious and foul-mouthed rant.  

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