Awoelf, the leader seems is in to interpreting divine significations in things 
happening around him to make events and people seem extremely important to him 
and connect to larger things. He's an ultra religious guy. Has a lot of 
religious text in his head to draw on. The follower though is along for some 
kind of ride. I have run in to both around town now and had conversations 
letting them talk as I mostly asked questions and listened.
 This last weekend a clinical social worker was visiting town and ran in to 
these two around the square in Fairfield and talked with them a few times. The 
social worker by training and career clinical experience was appalled by what 
was publicly going on between the two. The leader being incredibly demeaning of 
the younger guy in front of other people, in front of public saying things 
extremely critical of the younger's dress, cleanliness and demeanor and then 
would do it in ways to get who ever was listening to him to agree and 
collaborate in the chastisement. The younger guy really was fine enough in 
dress, care and demeanor. 
 The social worker separately ran in to the younger person later and asked why 
he stayed around the leader[?]. The younger answered saying that, 'you get used 
to it'. Being squashed and humiliated? I talked with the younger guy 
independently at a different time and got a little of his story. Doesn't hold a 
bachelor degree but some college level study. Has worked doing some copy 
editing and in libraries and liked that. Might like to go to seminary. Says 
going back to family as an option is too complex. 
Follower is about 10 years younger than the leader. The follower evidently is 
estranged from family back home and has been with the leader for a while going 
to Jerusalem, Europe and some US places as they travel.


 The social worker was from out of town and only here in Fairfield attending a 
folk dance weekend for fun. The social worker by professional career experience 
was especially concerned by what was seen and heard. The older guy is really 
clever manipulative. 

 Awoelf, you evidently have had some experience with this. What would you tell 
the younger guy to do? There are resources that deal with this that he could 
turn to for extracting himself? It does not seem that he can just go back to 
family, friends or some place necessarily. Just wondering what you'd say to the 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

 NPD Heads-up. Seems there is a guy and a follower

 This is so funny, "a guy and a follower". Doesn't sound like this "guy" is too 
charismatic if he has one lonely "follower" in his retinue.

  who showed up in town in the last few days with these kinds of traits. Tells 
a good story, really smart but incredibly manipulative and evidently abusive 
with the younger follower. Lot like that other guy that used to post here. I 
sent this new guy on to find the afternoon Fairfield illumined experience 
banana-gram group. I think they have the resources to deal with him safely and 
will appreciate him a lot. 


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