Suzi Quatro was born in Detroit, MI, USA and grew up there - her father worked for General Motors. Quatro moved to England in 1971. In 2010 she was voted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends online Hall of Fame.

On 11/5/2013 9:55 PM, wrote:

Re "Suzi Quatro -She is the first female bass player to become a major rock star.":

Yeah, I liked "Can the Can". Quatro made it as a star in the UK (and *not* the USA) of course.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

Detroit - Motor City Bands

Suzi Quatro -She is the first female bass player to become a major rock star.

Suzi Quatro - Can The Can, 1973:

Inline image 1

    On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Share Long <sharelong60@...
    <mailto:sharelong60@...>> wrote:

        noozguru, let's not forget the Motor City music scene...

        On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 1:05 PM, Bhairitu <noozguru@...
        <mailto:noozguru@...>> wrote:
        Before for the Beatles it was regional rock groups that were
        the scene in the US. There was Northwest Rock which included
        the Kingsmen, Sonics and way back the Ventures (playing their
        cover of a jazz tune "Walk Don't Run").  Then the northwest
        do-wap groups like the Fleetwoods (I played on a revival album
        they did). There was also an east coast scene, a Chicago area
        scene and New Orleans scene.  These were often regional
        because the labels were regional without national distribution.

        Also before the Beatles let's not forget folk period which
        includes The Kingston Trio, Lamplighters (I backed them up
        once) and other spin offs. Those morphed into folk rock groups
        in the later 60s.

        Regional music scenes in the US would be a lot like European
        country's and their own scenes.

        Romance languages didn't translate well into rock so you have
        the soft muzak rock those countries created.

        On 11/05/2013 10:37 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
        --- In
        <>, s3raphita wrote:
        > Yep, but we were talking about British imitation rock so
        > Vince Taylor and Cliff Richard are two important pioneers
        > in the UK. I'm guessing one reason they never made a name
        > for themselves in the States is because Americans didn't
        > need second-rate copies of their own stars.

        Couldn't have said it better. :-)

        Plus, the music industry mechanism really wasn't in place
        to allow for mass distribution of non-US acts at that time.
        There was no market perceived for it, so it didn't really

        BTW, you find the same thing in France, but for another
        reason -- the language difference. Plus the fact that rock
        sounds *terrible* in French. Rap, it can handle, but rock,
        fuggedaboudit. In France, old pop stars like Francoise
        Hardy are still minor goddesses, but old rockers like
        Johnny Hallyday are major Gods, right up there with
        Thor. :-)

        > The Beatles probably made it because they came along
        > after rock 'n' roll's heyday and added enough original
        > touches of their own to make it more appealing than
        > the saccharine-sweet pop that had by then become the
        > norm.

        Tell it, sista. The US pop music scene was really in its
        doldrums before the Beatles. Many of the people who
        had grown up on it had gravitated to folk music because
        there was *energy* there, and there t'weren't none in

        Then the Beatles arrived, preceded by a wave of near-
        hysterical media hype. I'm honestly not sure which con-
        tributed more to the Beatles' success in the US -- their
        talent, or the hype. I lean to the latter. See enough TV
        stories (or, in those days, movie News trailers before
        your movie) of star-struck Beatles fans and your young
        impressionable mind has already been pre-programmed
        to love them when you see them live.

        Still, it *was* a phenomenon in the US, Beatlemania.
        By the time it struck, I was a full-fledged folkie, both
        listening to and performing the "real music," folk
        music performed by upscale white artists. :-) So they
        had to drag me away from my Dylan and Baez and
        the like to listen to a Beatles album. And to be honest,
        I wasn't knocked out at first by the sound. Even then,
        I was more fascinated by the *trend*, the fact that
        so many were so gaga over them.

        It took the Rolling Stones to knock my socks off. :-)

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