There is an anomaly (or design flaw) regarding Yahoo Groups in that your handle may be displayed differently if you use email and the web site. When the post count was important Alex would have to look to see if some posters did both during the week because the posts would come under different handles. I found later that the Yahoo Groups email headers had the Yahoo ID in them and was able to create a Python script which totaled the count that way with each user under the same ID regardless of how they posted. It was easy to do with Python but not PHP though I have found a way to do it but I don't think Alex wants to mess with the script anymore.

On 11/06/2013 08:32 PM, wrote:

Can I mention something else that's been bugging me about FFL?

I am Seraphita. That is Seraphita = Seraphita = Seraphita. That's the name I selected when registering with FFL. That's the name I always use. Simple OK?

But we know there are a lot of people who have a sign-on name but who are also addressed by a familiar name. Correct me if I'm wrong but . . .
"authfriend" = Judy
"TurquoiseB" = Barry
"dhamilton" = Buck
and the Lord knows who "wgm4u" and "awoelflebater" are!

For the sake of new arrivals to FFL and the occasional lurker could some kind soul list the different aliases of the posters to this site so that everyone knows who is saying what to whom. It would make life so much simpler.

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