
 A very funny reply. 

 Nothing so good as "It can't happen here!" or "God didn't say that in the 
Bible". Go have another hot toddy - it'll prove everything false except the hot 


 Just think "I'm the Big Self and I don't need such bullshit." You'll be 
feelin' high and mighty soon enough. 


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re: "The residual effect was that I taught myself how to conduct my conscious 
mind to see into past lives.":

 Look - if you and others could really access past-life information you could 
tell the rest of us stuff that wouldn't otherwise be explicable. The fact that 
you can't demonstrate such knowledge shows that your supposed "recollection" is 
a construction. I mean, think about it: if you could tell us (say) the true 
identity of Jack the Ripper you would get the Nobel Prize for Physics for 
overturning the current scientific paradigm.

 Who is the chap in uniform in the photo? A former incarnation of yours?

 There is, by the way, another explanation for "past-life" memories. If that 
knowledge could be shown to be valid it could indicate a common racial memory 
we all share via our DNA or God-knows-what.

 Did you ever come across people who said they were a different sex (gender) in 
a former life?


 ---In, <emptybill@...> wrote:

 Yep, I actually have a job and have other responsibilities too.
 But I'm with you ... I don't believe in past lives. That's because belief 

 is for those who cannot see directly. 


 In the '80's I trained with a group of people in various subtle
 perception techniques. One facet was conducting a reader-observer
 in seeing past-life imprints. The residual effect was that I taught 

 myself how to conduct my conscious mind to see into past lives. 

 However, my interest was in learning more about past associations -

 particularly with the small group of 5 people I had spent a lot of time
 with in training. That interest was the result of an intuition that our group 
had significant "associations" in the most immediate past life - and indeed it 
proved to be so. 

 We explored, singly and jointly, until the direct experiences engendered by 
"returning" to that past life (both exhilarating and terrifying) became 
unbearable to the other members. However, I continued on my own and even 
conducted other people that I knew and perceived were there/then. 

 Thus I no longer believe in past lives. Belief is for those who cannot see
 directly or who cannot endure that seeing itself. 

 BTW - this is only unusual in a Western context. 





 ---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 This thread brought out some interesting comments, thanks.

 I see that when I challenged "emptybill" on his saying: "It's a job for 
numberless kalpas - not just one life", and I said, "That depends on whether 
you really believe you'll be reincarnated. Do you really believe that? If so, 
on what authority?" he never replied. Hmmmm.






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