You really got to the office early today and already you've put Barry in his place. I can see who comes first on your agenda. Good work! Wasn't Barry the guy that remembered a past life over on a.m.t? Go figure.

On 11/13/2013 7:40 AM, wrote:

*Barry wrote:*

> Why doesn't anyone who claims to "remember" their past
> lives ever claim to have been one of the scullery maids or
> janitors? Howcum they're all famous?

*Oh, there are plenty of people who remember lives as slaves*
*and servants and beggars and so on.*
*What's much more interesting than the social status, high or*
*low, that folks claim for their past lives is that the vast majority*
*of these lives were purportedly lived /in historical times/.//You*
*find very few folks remembering lives as anonymous hunter-*
*gatherers or agricultural workers during the hundreds of*
*thousands of years before humans figured out how to keep*

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