Emptybill:  This is a second send,  as the first isn't showing up and I might 
have forgotten to hit send.

 Yes, I know Ravi and he is a friend of mine, but of course, I don't control 
Ravi's behavior anymore than I control anyone else's on this forum. He is 
responsible for himself. I am *not* laughing behind your back; I don't even 
know you well enough to do such a thing or know what I would do it about. I 
have had very few exchanges with you. I remember that you posted opera last 
year and that was a treat.  I do laugh a lot, but mostly at the absurdity of 
life and relationships and to the degree that FFL plays into both those things, 
I have laughed myself silly many, many times.  It's been very healing for me.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote:

 This is why you all should morn Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his 
unique style of blessing everyone with his personal attention. 


 Remember Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I have nothing 
but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest, unintelligent like you. You 
couldn't withstand the heat of my confrontation.
Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole bigoted, 
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are beneath my status, my 
dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty and awesomeness of my 
personal consciousness.

 And don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of mine and she knows me 
very well, and she's laughing behind your back - Don't embarrass and humiliate 

 Have some dignity, hope you find your conscience.

 It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person like you for this 

May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful, dishonest soul.


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote:


This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.

 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed me last year and we have 
had private conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all cordial 
and I even wished him luck after he talked about his marriage after a 10 year 
live-in relationship. I'm really shocked at emptybill's dishonesty and I have 
warned him and the moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.



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