---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 You sound really JELLOS, Ann.
 This is a very good example of how someone posting on the internet can just 
let fly with any old slur they can think up and hit the send button, with 
almost zero accountability. On most moderated forums this kind of offensive 
comment would be cause for almost instant banishment, if not by the moderator, 
a shunning by the other participants. This reply of yours is totally uncalled 
for - there's just no excuse for rudeness, bad manners or poor netiquette, 
least of all slander toward someone you don't even know. 
 It's just a disgrace to read this kind of ugly hatefulness on a spiritual 
forum. I can't figure it out. This post of yours has all the earmarks of 
someone who has absolutely nothing better to do than post hateful comments to 
strangers - no fun, no useful information, no spiritual comment, no 
understanding - just pure hatred. I could be wrong about this post of yours 
since it's really difficult sometimes to tell what someone's true feelings are, 
but it sure looks to me like to me you're prejudiced against some groups of 
people based on their birth circumstances. 
 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't given me any reason to think 
otherwise, based on your numerous comments about where I was born. Go figure.
 Would someone, anyone, please help me understand this kind of behavior? 

 Maybe you could explain all of it Dickwad. Here is an example of your posting 
style made to Judy today. Now tell me who is full of hate, Dick. Richard the 
Benevolent spews across the page:

 It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when other 
people post to your buddies. 

And, I can't think of any other reason for you to try and be a communicator 
here - how long has it been since you posted anything interesting to read? Your 
attitude these days is hateful and pathetic and I'm not the only one to notice 
it. You've got almost zero support here anymore - maybe it's time for you to go 
back to Usenet where you came from. I can't think of anything else you could 
say that would make any of us want to be your friend on Facebook, that's fer 
sure! I'd sure not want to meet up with you at a yoga camp! 

Of all the informants I've read in the past ten years on the internet, I can 
say without the least hesitation, YOU SUCK the most!
 On 11/22/2013 8:44 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 This has got to be the most screwed up forum on Yahoo!
 A guy gets his real name posted to the group, so he curses the first guy; then 
the guy gets booted for cursing; and then the moderator posts the real name and 
the private email of the cursing guy; and then the guy that got cursed posts 
the private email of the guy that cursed him, while the moderators are 
sleeping. Go figure.
 It always seems to take you to clarify things for us dolts here, Richard. We 
just wouldn't be able to follow this ourselves without your step by step 
regurgitation and then subsequent skewing of the "facts". What would we do 
without you? Oh, I know, enjoy this place more. Now go scam some more people 
out of money via the internet while cruising FFL all day. What a life you lead.
 On 11/21/2013 10:43 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<emptybill@...> mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 This is why you all should morn Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his 
unique style of blessing everyone with his personal attention. 
 Remember Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I have nothing 
but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest, unintelligent like you. You 
couldn't withstand the heat of my confrontation.
 Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole bigoted, 
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are beneath my status, my 
dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty and awesomeness of my 
personal consciousness.
 And don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of mine and she knows me 
very well, and she's laughing behind your back - Don't embarrass and humiliate 
 Have some dignity, hope you find your conscience.
 It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person like you for this 
 May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful, dishonest soul.
 So what is this, a current private email Ravi just sent you?
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
<j_alexander_stanley@...> mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
 This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.
 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed me last year and we have 
had private conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all cordial 
and I even wished him luck after he talked about his marriage after a 10 year 
live-in relationship. I'm really shocked at emptybill's dishonesty and I have 
warned him and the moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.

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