For the record, Barry didn't bother to read the demonization I've been 
responding to from Feste. As long as we're making free with the term 
"stalking," Feste's been stalking me for the past week, entirely gratuitously.
Barry wrote, stalking Judy:

 > For the record, here she is stalking Feste, trying to 1) demonize him in
 the eyes of others, and 2) taunt him as a strategy to lure him into a
 protracted argument so she can do even more of it.

 Nope, sorry. That argument is so over. Feste won't own up to it. And
 you won't own up to it either, of course. You were included in the
 post I directed to Feste's attention. You both crashed and burned.
 --- In, 
 > My first send of this response never made it...
 > Feste blustered (ooooh, tough):
 > > Oh auth, as an editor yourself, you surely realize the importance
 of getting a book title exactly right. We are not talking about
 searching for a title or whose error was the more significant one.
 > That's what you were talking about. You were practically wetting your
 pants with eagerness to "get Judy." But the only thing you could come up
 with was pathetically insignificant.
 > Me, I was concerned with the ability to locate a copy of the book
 from the title (if you'll recall, Richard had recommended it--with the
 wrong title--to Ann). I was not writing a Ph.D. dissertation or
 copyediting the reference list of the ms. for somebody's scholarly book.
 > > Those questions are not relevant to what I was pointing out. It's
 that simple, hon.
 > Tootsie, I was pointing out that what you were pointing out wasn't
 relevant to being able to find the book from the title. Sorry if that's
 too complex for you to grasp.
 > Unless I missed it, Richard never thanked me for correcting his
 whopping error. Did I make a big fuss about that?
 > BTW, have I asked you whether you saw the post I directed to your
 attention yesterday?
 > Why, yes, I have. Twice already, in fact. You seem to have some
 difficulty responding. Gee, I wonder why.

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