This is ominous as hell. I apologize for the strong language here but we should 
sit up in meditation around this. This is a call to mediation in meditation. 
This is a call to surround the situation with deep transcending meditation. 
This is now our wake-up call to meditation to neutralize and avert the danger 
before it really comes. It is time now to mobilize against this great and 
destablizing threat the Chinese are pulling on us. It is time for our global 
countries for world peace all to deploy a lot more meditation in special forces 
to that part of the world around the Chinese people. Sincerely,

 We don''t know the intention of these communists. Get some Chinese generals, 
some high rank party tru-believer communists, throw in a couple of red 
narcissists and a megalomaniac all together in the war room of the old Palace 
playing with the controls of nuke subs and cruisers, and we got problems. This 
is for real. A fleet of nuke-armed naval subs and cruisers.    

 What can any of us individually do to avert this danger?
 Meditate and act with discipline together.
 That is what any of us can do to avert this danger;
 Bolster our collective forces in defense,
 including more meditation. 

 But why the nuke subs and naval cruisers anyway?
 Is there a reason they started all this taunt around the anniversary day of 
infamy?  Pearl Harbor? 


 <authfriend@...> wrote:

 You do know the Chinese aren't going to bomb us, right?



 The chinese central committee secured a really great big slab of Iowa hog with 
this purchase for themselves . Big money industrial agriculturalists proly just 
would say, the more Iowa hogs owned by China the safer we all are in Iowa. Is 
that what free trade is all about?  Making your enemy your partner in 
concentrated hog feeding confinements?  I sense the land grab to move more 
people out of the countryside accelerating all the faster and a lot more hog 
confinements in Iowa for China now as a new part of our national security 
strategy.  Would you rather have a missile silo or a hog confinement next to 
your town as part of a defense shield?  

 The chinese got a good foot hold already going in Iowa. As meditators we are 
proly safe in Fairfield from the destruction of LA and Seattle; the chinese 
reds would proly only use low yield bombs on the West coast to preserve their 
holdings in Iowa. Red china bought and owns Smithfield Hogs.

 The communist chinese over-seers are not going to nuke their own real estate 
holdings in Iowa hog production. That would not make sense considering some of 
the best soil in the whole world is here in Iowa to feed all their chinese 

 Buck, not to mention all their exchange students, etc. at MUM and in the Domes!

 On Saturday, December 7, 2013 10:08 AM, <Buck> wrote:
   In Fairfield, Iowa we are proly okay or safe enough from what will be a West 
coast radiation fall-out plume. It would be in the red Chinese interests to not 
radiate their farm land in Iowa.  

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote:

 I would think 2.3 billion would be a bit of a large number for the US and then 
that would probably take rolling in things like yoga classes "offered" at 
fitness centers.  And if global, India would really skew the numbers. :-D 
 It's like their looking for a "next big thing."
 On 12/06/2013 10:51 AM,Buck wrote:
   Yes,  Bhairitu is entirely right, it clearly is not just some new-agers 
consuming some spiritual trinkets.  It is a much larger problem.  However, we 
do know from the example of the Meissner Effect [ME] that just a few of us can 
change things; even the course of history. 
 Yep, frivolous consumerism is seriously perilous in so many ways.  We 
evidently all just need more Self-discipline around both our incessant 
materialism and then actually taking the time for meditation.  Taking quiet 
time twice a day at the least to practice a transcending meditation.   -Buck  
<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 I think that $230 billion a year is globally not the US.  Otherwise there 
would "new age" shops on every corner.  Many in this area have closed up since 
the 1990s.  And also I think they are folding not necessarily "new age" in to 
their count such as environmental items.
 On 12/06/2013 04:22 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
   --- In, 
 > In the meanwhile, let's hold the chinese reds off by staying current on our 
 > payments of consumer debt to them. Prudently let us tighten the belt, spend 
 > a lot more time meditating and a lot less time and credit on frivolous 
 > consumer goods. 
 I wouldn't hold your breath. Americans spend over $230 billion a year on "New 
Age" products:
 And that doesn't even include the $10.4 billion per year market in seminars 
and self-improvement programs.
 "There's a sucker reborn every minute."  - Sri Parmahansa Boddhisatva Barnum



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