Be sure you check under your bed for communists, Buck. They've got to be hiding there.

On 12/09/2013 06:57 PM, wrote:

*Seems in similarity (simile) as with the North Koreans and the Red Chinese most any movements' pr production of media presentation like those big communist meetings being broadcast is as much for internal cultural re-enforcement even as it could seem apparent for general public release, like staged press-conferences or something published really glossy for release.*


..dramatic images show being escorted from a party session by uniformed guards.

yep locally different people have been escorted from the movement too in various ways for various reasons. In Vlodrop around Maharishi it was said any neganaut hinting or talking the wrong way would find their bags packed for them at the door. I met an old movement meditator the other day who was escorted to the door for embarrassing the administration a long time ago. Any group can expect order and discipline from its members if they want to belong. No one said due process of law is fair in every culture.

anartaxius@...> wrote:

Our Michael Jackson, I think, still seems to feel the sting of having been purged. His situation was less amenable as he was actively trying to stay out of the dome for health reasons. Although things may have changed from years back, I have heard of ways people managed to stay out of the dome using subterfuge.

---In, <Buck> wrote:

People out in the world ask me on occasion what is going on in meditating FF? The example of state run communism I feel gives a good vision of how it works. A narrow administrative top and a wide organizational chart that flows out to the elements of TM. TM is now run a lot by committee work of people within elements of the flow chart. The by-laws of how it works are not clear from the outside, sort of like state-run communalism in red china or north korea.


    ---In, <Buck> wrote:

    dramatic images show being escorted from a party session by
    uniformed guards.**

    Analysts say such a public dismissal is unique and could signal a
    wider purge.**

    Abstracting paraphrase reports, Almost overnight, ..has morphed
    from mentor to "anti-revolutionary" criminal outcast,

    .this could be seen as the latest in a series of carefully
    calibrated moves to demonstrate control, yet another sign of
    authority, assertion of dependence. reported to have been stripped of all his positions and
    expelled from the party.

    "Ideologically sick and extremely idle and easy-going, he used
    drugs and squandered currency at casinos while he was receiving
    medical treatment in a foreign country under the care of the
    party," the report said.

    It added that he had "improper relations" with several women and
    "was wined and dined at back parlours of deluxe restaurants".

    *Dealing with “Neganauts” :*

    Rare moments like these are perhaps the closest we'll come, at
    least for now, to observing directly the workings of the state..

    News of his dismissal filtered out last week along with reports
    that two of his close aides had been executed for corruption. It
    is unclear when these latest images date from.

    paraphrase notes taken from
    BBC report on N. Korea

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