This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.

 Richard trolled:
 > > Everyone knows that the culprits in this rumor-mongering are Rick, Judy, 
 > > Joe, and Vaj and now the poser, MJ. Based on what I've read, there's no 
 > > basis for their accusations. It's interesting to read Gail's book which is 
 > > supported by that Gena character. In my opinion, it's mostly about eating 
 > > sour grapes, except in Judy's case, she is probably just projecting her 
 > > own sexual insecurities. But, so be it for me to be the only defender of 
 > > MMY on this list - the rest of the ankle-biters around here can go to hell 
 > > as far as I'm concerned. > >


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