Actually, as Richard well knows, Rick has always been one of the strongest 
supporters of Judith Bourque's book. And as Richard also well knows, you can't 
buy it at a newsstand in Jersey.
Richard trolled:

 > > Rick, the owner of this site, would probably be the first, if he wasn't so 
 > > busy with other things, to complain about Gail's book. There may be a 
 > > place to discuss the private sex life of others, like in a bowling alley 
 > > or at a bar frequented by cross-dressing, gay and lesbian neo-nazi 
 > > skinheads, but nothing is going to be proved here based on a paperback 
 > > book you can buy at a news stand in Jersey. > >
 On 12/11/2013 8:45 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Get a load of this shyster - she hasn't even read Gail's book. Go figure.
 Who put the bug up your ass lately Ricky?
 Buck, Ricky's being mean and annoying again...


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