Judy, imo, this is one of the ways you sneakily lie about people, this 
seemingly clever use of verbs like smarmed which imply that you know people's 
inner intentions and then attempt to poison the well with what are merely your 

On Monday, December 16, 2013 11:05 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
<authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Share smarmed:

<< Emily, one, Ann has many time expressed disapproval for my apologies; >>

And why was that, Share? What reasons did she give for her disapproval? Were 
they about your having made a sincere apology for something you genuinely did 

<< two, I wasn't aware that I caused her to suffer. >>

I don't think she did suffer, actually, despite your best intentions. She'd 
have to have some respect for you before your attacks would cause her any pain.

I would rephrase Emily's suggestion: "Why don't you ask yourself...'how can I 
bring peace to myself so that I'm no longer so mean-spirited, and so that I can 
take responsibility for my own flaws instead of trying to blame them on 

On Monday, December 16, 2013 10:43 AM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> 
Dear Share, remember, *you* attacked Ann in one of the most mean-spirited ways 
there is, and then never bothered to apologize and in fact, called her 
"vicious."  Why don't you ask yourself..."what can I do to bring peace and 
alleviate suffering that I have caused?"  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

Ann, it's true you no longer engage with me. But you do continue to make very 
negative remarks about me, focusing on mistakes I've made and at the same time 
denigrating or ignoring what has been positive about my participation here. In 
contrast, I liked it when Richard said that you and Emily and Judy are probably 
nice people in person. To me, his attitude seems reasonable and balanced and 

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 10:57 PM, "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...> 

>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:
>>You are incorrect - you just make up stuff so people will shun me. You hate 
>>people from Texas - you are a hater, an abuser, and a mean, perpetual, petty, 
>>ankle-biting junkyard dog - that's what I think, and I don't see anyone else 
>>here that disagrees. If they do, they should speak up.
>>Where I come from, silence usually indicates agreement. 
>>Ricky, silence can also mean disbelief at what one is witnessing. But for me, 
>>when I see abuse or just plain ignorance I don't tend to stay quiet with my 
>>mouth hanging open. You need to get a grip. The very thing you are accusing 
>>Judy of is what you are displaying. The fact that you are such a blind 
>>numbskull about Share is quite another matter. You and Feste go ahead and 
>>"protect" and defend her all you want, I don't care one way or another. She 
>>relies on twits like you to fall for her feigned helplessness masked as 
>>idiocy and her little girl make-believe persona. She will go to her grave 
>>playing people like you but I couldn't care less; her acts and her manner of 
>>interaction here makes me seriously question her psychiatric health. (This 
>>started to become apparent when she so insensitively proclaimed LB Shriver 
>>was dying of liver cancer and then her PR claim on top of her "frisky fellas" 
>>to describe murdering, butchering rapists in India). So, because
 of that I am backing down from ever trying to really interact with her in a 
way that could possibly be meaningful. But your attacks on Judy are causing you 
to behave in a way which does not serve you well as either a man, a civilized 
human being or a husband and father. Do you live and speak like this offline? 
Take a minute or maybe two and really look at what you are putting out here. 
Just because you don't have a janitorial job to lose anymore doesn't give you 
free licence to act and post like a stupendous dick.
>>On 12/15/2013 7:54 PM, authfriend@... wrote:
>>>This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno) 
>>>takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.
>>>Richard trolled:
>>><< It's very simple, Share - Judy hates Xeno and she wants him to shut up. 
>>>Just like she wants you to shut up; just like she wanted Curtis, Barry, and 
>>>Vaj to shut up. She won't dialog with Xeno because she is afraid of him 
>>>because he is smarter that she is, just like Curtis, Barry, and Vaj are 
>>>smarter than she is. 
>>>Judy has a very big ego and does NOT respond well to
                  criticism. She thinks she owns this forum. She is an
                  extremist that takes almost everything as a personal
                  affront. She has been compared to a junkyard dog and
                  an ankle-biting mean dog, which seem pretty apt to me.
                  Her rap sheet goes back all the way to 1994! In all
                  that time, I can't think of a single respondent that
                  wants anything to do with her - not one. That's what I
                  think. >>
>>>On 12/15/2013 3:53 PM, Share Long wrote:
>>>>Xeno, Doc brought up Xeno Caveat and Judy said there had already been 
>>>>dozens. So I'm really curious.  Especially since you had not been involved 
>>>>in the Professor Post thread! Anyway, hope you had a little fun shoveling 
>>>>snow and will have wonderful holidays.
>>>>On Sunday, December 15, 2013 2:43 PM, "anartaxius@..." <anartaxius@...> 
>>>>Hey, I'm going out to shovel snow. You need to do some research Share. The 
>>>>remainder of you can remain and shovel whatever Judy is dishing out.
>>>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:
>>>>Anyone, what the heck is a Xeno Caveat?!

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