But, you said you were going to create a macro key and we all know you use Microsoft Word, just like Barry and I do, and have for years. You said so yourself. And, now we all know that it is impossible to create a macro in Yahoo Neo. You sound like you're in denial. Why can't you just be honest about it? It's not a crime to copy and paste a sentence into the Neo text box from Word or WorPerfect, but your denial says a lot about your art of deception - it is a very sneaky way to win a debate, whether it's Word or any other word processor you are using.

On 12/16/2013 2:53 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except Xeno and, obviously, Richard) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know.*


*(It's fascinating that tech wizards Richard and Barry don't seem to be aware that Word isn't the only program to create keyboard macros.)*


*Richard trolled and lied:
<< Not to mention that Judy thought she was being really clever and thought that nobody knew anything about setting "macro keys" in Microsoft Word. Obviously Judy told a couple of fibs on this one.

So, I guess we all know now that she's not all that honest, trying to put one over on the newbies on this forum. I guess she forgot that you and I are experts in using Word and and we each know it like the back of our hand.

Apparently Judy will go to just about any length in order to win a debate, including name-calling and on down to g outright deception. Go figure. >>

    On 12/16/2013 9:15 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*/What I'd like to know is, having created a "macro" in a program that doesn't support them, why would one want to go back and "edit" the macro for one post, and seemingly with the only "edit" being to delete a leading parentheses.

The lengths some people will go to to avoid saying, "Yes, I type the same blurb every time" and "Yes, I made a typo this time." There's something deeply pathological about that.

/*--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> So, how exactly are you going to create macro key in Microsoft Word and
> then transfer it to Neo? You probably meant you'd create a macro in
> Word, then copy and paste the message into the Neo text box. But, you
> didn't say that and you didn't explain why you'd want to do that in the
> first place. Go figure.
> We all know that you're at your computer using Microsoft Word all day,
> but your statement was an attempt at deception. Never mind that the
> reason you wanted to do it was goofy as hell and just a foolish attempt > to avoid a fair debate. Everyone knows you can't create a macro in Word
> using just a single keystroke anyway.
> I've got to tell you, Judy - it's pretty low and childish to do
> something like that, if that's what you did, even if you are a
> professional who knows Word like the back of your hand and uses it every
> day. It's not a fair and balanced thing to do and I think you know it.
> That's what I think.
> On 12/16/2013 7:44 AM, authfriend@... wrote:
> >
> > So sorry to spoil your fun, Barry, but you goofed again. I never said
> > I had created a macro "in Neo." That was Richard's lie. As far as I
> > know, there's no way to create one "in Neo."
> >
> >
> > And, of course, macros can easily leave out a parenthesis if you go
> > into one to edit it and end up accidentally deleting the paren.
> >
> >
> > Too bad, Barry. Better luck next time.
> >
> >
> > (Plus which, if you think what's been going on is bad, just imagine
> > what it would have been like if I'd attempted to engage with Richard
> > instead. Remember what happened when Michael kept trying to correct
> > him about Michael's TM history? Y'all should be grateful I'm using the
> > macro. At least this way he has to keep thinking up new trolls and
> > lies as I shut the old ones down one by one. He's obviously running
> > out of ideas now, and the trolls are becoming so absurd--Texans are a
> > different race from the rest of us??--I hardly even need to post the
> > macro. He's making my point for me.)
> >
> >
> > Barry fails again:
> >
> > */<< Just for fun, and since she seems to be melting, here's a little
> > something to help wash the wicked witch down the drain and make
> > Richard's day.
> >
> > As he has pointed out several times, she is lying about having created
> > a "macro" in Neo to keep reposting her attempts to deflect Richard's
> > commentary by calling him a liar. Well, below is the proof. >>
> >
> > Macros don't leave out parentheses. :-)
> >
> > /*--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, wrote:
> > >
> > > This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here except
> > Xeno) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation,
> > let me know.
> >
> >

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