---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 I wrote:

 Ick. Sorry, I couldn't listen to more than about 30 seconds of this. I seem to 
be one of the only people in the world who isn't a Leonard Cohen fan.


 Ann wrote:


Nope, I'm with you on that one, Judy. Can't stand listening to that guy and 
Robin loved him. We would have to listen to his mournful, tuneless, drudging 
music during seminars while the other Canadians positively swooned with delight.

Good to know I'm not alone. How about Keith Jarrett? He's another one who seems 
to be an object of near-worship in some quarters here. I haven't heard that 
much of him, but what I have heard reminds me of myself tinkling aimlessly on 
the piano when I was around six years old.

 Not possessing the musical knowledge and background that you do I am no expert 
to comment on Jarrett's expertise although that was another one we were 
subjected to; I think it was the Koln Concert or some album of that name. I 
didn't mind it as much as Cohen, however. I found myself actually wanting to 
react quite vehemently when he was played which I did not feel when listening 
to Keith. Luckily, Robin started to also play a lot of Police, Springsteen and 
even Michael Jackson (Thriller and Billy Jean) so at least it got a little 
livelier in there and a couple of the Canadians even tapped a toe or two - 
which was astonishing. Most of them were a rather quiet, conservative and 
proper lot compared to us uncouth Yanks.

 (Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt here. I am loving this conversation.)

 Nay, nay, please jump in whenever you feel like it.



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