That's quite a review of the Cohen bio. I might read it just because it should 
be interesting.

 I have to admit to a limited ability to appreciate popular-type music. In 
general, I just don't find it as interesting as serious/classical music. There 
are exceptions, but Cohen ain't one of them, nor is Jarrett (yes, I know he's 
written music in a quasi-classical mode). Obviously music is a very personal 
taste; I'm not saying Cohen and Jarrett aren't fine musicians.
Emily wrote:
 << Hey there, we have something "not in common" - smile.  I first heard 
Leonard in my 20's; loved the song Suzanne.  A few years ago, I caught the 
televised show on public television of his "Live in London" concert and fell 
madly in love with his music and lyrics and bought the DVD and his "Book of 
Longing," which includes drawings he has done and which I also love.  This 
Christmas season, I have gone on a book buying binge (not as sustainable as 
using a Kindle or the library, so I feel a bit guilty) and one book I bought 
was "I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen" by Sylvie Simmons.  Haven't read 
it yet.  Here is a good review for those that might like old Leonard.

 I first heard Keith Jarrett here on FFL; Robin posted a link as I remember.  
I've since listened to (on you tube) him on and off and I confess to liking him 
as well; I like the quietness of what he plays.  Of course, he's no Gould.  
Smile.   >>






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