In esoteric literature apparently *THIS IS THE UNDERWORLD*, when you die you 
come here! ;-) 
 The Romans not having a great deal of spiritual receptivity responded to the 
quickened spiritual vibrations at this time of the year with great feasting and 
celebrating including alcohol, not much has changed. Those who are more attuned 
feel the spirituality permeating the atmosphere of the new solar year.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 Today marks the official start of winter.  The ancient Romans celebrated 
Saturnalia in honor of Saturn who rules the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.  
The planet is also known as the ruler of the underworld. 

 The Sun is further officially dead in Western astrology and won't rise again 
until Spring on March 21, 2014.

 But, as I write this note, the Sun is rising in the sign of Sagittarius from 
the east.  And, I can see the Moon setting to the west from my window.  So, all 
is well.



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