Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.
 —By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 19, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

 "I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with 
free food and drink. Because, you know, they're my guest. Target doesn't do 
that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I can 
complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don't like. I can choose what 
I want to buy and what I don't. That makes me a customer. Not. A. Guest."


 As I believe I mentioned earlier, Drum is a widely read and highly respected 
political blogger. Sorry, Feste, but if he is so insistent about using the 
period-after-every-word convention for extra emphasis, it has to be considered 
standard, at least for blogs. You may not like it, and that's fine, but you 
can't pretend it's some bizarre anomaly (or that I made it up, as Barry 

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