Ann, my posts might not currently be up to Bob's level, but imo they're well 
above your sly put downs and demeaning nicknames. I say currently because again 
imo I had a pretty good run of those kind of philosophical exchanges with RWC. 
It's a buffet here at FFL and I enjoy the variety. Now, quoting you to 
yourself, why don't you see if you can transcend YOUR prejudices yada yada...

Ann had written to feste:Can you possibly assert that wishing people a happy 
new year and 
thanking them for posting about quinoa salads is more rewarding? See if 
you can transcend your prejudices and start fresh with every new post 
that appears here so that you might actually learn and gain something. 

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:20 AM, "" 
<> wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <> wrote:

I don't think your little put-downs have any credibility on this forum, auth. 
People know who you are and what you do. You are just making an exhibition of 
your own obsessions and weirdness. 

But you are giving her "credibility" Feste, because you keep responding like 
this. Judy is a force of nature just like Barry is an aberration. You let her 
bother you and you seem so very powerless to make a difference. Are you more 
powerful in your "real" life - in the life you lead where you walk and talk and 
pick up things and feel gravity? Did you see that "conversation" about music 
and art and religion/non-religion between Bob and Judy? Can you not appreciate 
and respect that kind of intelligence, Feste? I mean, that was really worth 
reading and the kind of clever brain power and just the weight of having lived 
a life was behind what they were postulating and working out in that 
conversation and it was very, very fun to see. Can you possibly assert that 
wishing people a happy new year and thanking them for posting about quinoa 
salads is more rewarding? See if you can transcend your prejudices and start 
fresh with every new post that appears here so
 that you might actually learn and gain something. 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:
>From five to seven? No, it doesn't take me very long, actually.
>OK, I've proved to my own satisfaction that you don't have the integrity to 
>acknowledge having been wrong, even about something as trivial as this. Always 
>disappointing, but in your case, I'm afraid, not at all surprising.
>Feste struggled:
><< You are so silly, auth.  Do you spend your entire life counting?
>I rest my case on my previous posts on this topic. >>
>Which have been shown to be wrong. Case closed.  
>---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, <authfriend@...> wrote:
>>>Pet Peeve Watch: I. Am. Not. A. Guest.
>>>—By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 19, 2013 11:53 AM GMT
>>>"I. Am. Not. A. Guest. A guest is someone I invite into my home and ply with 
>>>free food and drink. Because, you know, they're my guest. Target doesn't do 
>>>that. They sell me stuff. I pay for it. (Probably with cash from now on.) I 
>>>can complain about poor service. I can return stuff I don't like. I can 
>>>choose what I want to buy and what I don't. That makes me a customer. Not. 
>>>A. Guest."
>>>As I believe I mentioned earlier, Drum is a widely read and highly respected 
>>>political blogger. Sorry, Feste, but if he is so insistent about using the 
>>>period-after-every-word convention for extra emphasis, it has to be 
>>>considered standard, at least for blogs. You may not like it, and that's 
>>>fine, but you can't pretend it's some bizarre anomaly (or that I made it up, 
>>>as Barry claimed).

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